capital, capital account, capital cost, capital expenditure, capital gain, capital gains tax, capital letter, capital levy, capital loss, capital punishment, 英汉-汉英词典 资利得近义、反义、联想词 词n. tax, taxation, revenue enhancement用户正在搜索...
5% capital gains tax was due to take effect on residential property sold within two years of purchase. 从6月1日开始,将对出售那些购房不足两年的居住性房产收取5.5%的资本收益税。 7. They are used to paying only capital gains tax on carried interest but ought to be paying...
We Can Make a Capital Gain in Spain; Britons Set to Cash in as Capital Gains Tax Is Slashed to Make It Fairer for Foreigners
capital gains tax (redirected fromCapital-gains tax) Dictionary Thesaurus Financial ataxchargedongainsof acapitalnature.Morespecifically,thechargetocapitalgainstaxis onchargeablegains;thesearegainsaccruingfromthechargeabledisposalofchargeableassetsbychargeablepersons.Itfollowsfromthisthatsomedisposalsarechargeabledisposal...
And don’t forget thatif you’ve sold cryptocurrency such as Bitcoinfor a gain, then you’ll also be liable for capital gains taxes. Capital gains tax: Short-term vs. long-term Capital gains taxes are divided into two big groups, short-term and long-term, depending on how long you’ve...
Capital Gains Tax is a tax which is levied against the profits made on assets, this article looks at how non-UK residents are affected by UK capital gains tax
2024 & 2025 capital gains tax rates, cost basis methods, capital loss carryover rules, short & long-term capital gains tax rates, & forms.
资本增值税是对资本利得征税。 常见的资本增值有买卖股票、债券、贵金属和房地产等所获得的收益。 加拿大税法规定,资本增值收益(Capital Gain)或者分红收入(Dividend)及利息收入(Interest Income)都必须向加拿大税务局交纳所得税。除家庭的主要居所外, 投资物业如度假屋等房产转让时产生的资本增值需要交纳资本增值税。
The boat is a wasting chattel (tangible, moveable property with a useful life of no more than 50 years) and as such is an exempt asset for the purposes of capital gains tax. Gift via Edward’s will Gifts on death are exempt from CGT. ...
He avoided thecapital gains taxby short selling.───他通过短期交易来逃避资本增值税. He called for the reform ofcapital gains tax.───他呼吁改革资本收益税。 We need to double the child deduction, cut thecapital gains tax, and keep jobs in America with a lower business tax.───我们需...