Then too, he may have to pay only a 15% tax on his gains. But in some countries, such gains are taxable at a fixed rate, irrespective of the individual’s tax-slab rate. Also, the gains from the sale of equity shares or related funds may be treated differently from the gains from ...
The introduction of an innovative feature into British Tax legislation, the indexation of capital gains, has thus been clouded in confusion and uncertainty; subsequent discussion has, as a result, been distracted from the fundamental considerations of whether indexation per se is a desirable feature ...
Bill Dew – CGT liability 2008–09 House Annual exemption Capital gains tax at 18% £ 45,000 (9,600) 35,400 6,372 Chattels Special rules apply to chattels. A chattel is tangible moveable property. EXAMPLE 5 On 18 April 2008, Gloria sold an antique table for £5,600 and an ...
This paper addresses the impact of capital gains taxes on the market price and trading volume response to public announcements in an indexation-based tax regime. Our analysis indicates that indexation makes share prices more responsive to public announcements. Moreover, 'over responsiveness' induces ne...
Capital Gains Tax, Capital gains, CGT, Self Assessment, Sale of assets, Tax on profits, Tax on shares, Tax on second homes, Giving away assets, indexation ... What happens if you give away or sell an asset that's gone up in value - the basics of Capital Gains Tax...
Do you have to pay capital gains tax if you are over 65? Yes, you still need to pay CGT if you are over the age of 65. There are no specific age-related exemptions for CGT. How to avoid capital gains tax While it is impossible to completely avoid capital gains tax, there are ...
Capital gains tax on shares and other investments: what you pay and how you can reduce or eliminate this tax legitimately.
Long Term Capital Gain Tax with indexation (at 20%):276000 or 2.76 lakh. Saving Long Term Capital Gain: If there are any long-term capital gains, one may have to either pay tax on it at the rate of 20% or Buy a new property either 1 year before the sale OR 2 years after the ...
In the above case, the gains arising from the sale will be considered as long term capital gain and the benefit of indexation will be allowed while computing the capital gain.Here’s how to calculate capital gains tax in such a case:Particulars Amount The full value of the consideration ...
@Dearieme — GB removed indexation but also reduced the CGT rate from marginal income tax. In reality, long-term gains on stocks are around 50% inflationary and 50% real. So the old 20% rate equated to around 40% of your real gains. Higher rate tax, in other words. Well, okay. But...