The introduction of an innovative feature into British Tax legislation, the indexation of capital gains, has thus been clouded in confusion and uncertainty; subsequent discussion has, as a result, been distracted from the fundamental considerations of whether indexation per se is a desirable feature ...
You need to declare your capital gains in your tax return for the financial year in which the asset was sold. For example, if you sold an asset in January 2024, it would be reported in the 2023-24 tax return, which is due by 31 October (or later if it is lodged by a tax ag...
you work out all your gains and losses for each trade, add up all the gains (from this and any other chargeable assets you’ve sold in the year) and subtract all the losses (ditto), and hope it comes in under your personal capital gains tax allowance. If it doesn’...
@Dearieme — GB removed indexation but also reduced the CGT rate from marginal income tax. In reality, long-term gains on stocks are around 50% inflationary and 50% real. So the old 20% rate equated to around 40% of your real gains. Higher rate tax, in other words. Well, okay. But...
This paper addresses the impact of capital gains taxes on the market price and trading volume response to public announcements in an indexation-based tax regime. Our analysis indicates that indexation makes share prices more responsive to public announcements. Moreover, 'over responsiveness' induces ne...
IndexationPublic informationThis paper addresses the impact of capital gains taxes on the market price and trading volume response to public announcements in an indexation-based tax regime. Our analysis indicates that indexation makes share prices more responsive to public announcements. Moreover, 'over...
For Long term Capital Gains for debt mutual fund units, the tax rate are: Either 10% without Indexation OR 20% with Indexation. Holding period is more than 12 months. For long-term gains on property, gold etc the tax rate is 20% with indexation of cost. Long term capital gains from ...
Indexation Of Capital Gains Nixed; Administration Cites Justice Dept. OpinionSteven MufsonRuth Marcus
United Kingdom Capital Gains Tax: Indexation versus Tapering ReliefBracewellMilnes, BarryIntertax
Hence, it is argued that capital gains should be indexed for inflation in order that individual investments, individual stockholders (and capital asset holders generally), and all taxpayers are treated fairly by the tax system. Also, indexation seems a realisti...