2008年在印度孟买设立了办事处,随后又在中国北京设立办事处(2009年),这两个办事处的设立开拓了Capital Group在新兴市场的发展。2015年American Funds平台上投资者数量累计超过100万。2016年American Funds又推出三只新的债券基金。并推出Capital Ideas平台为顾问和金融中介提供投资方面的帮助。公司投资理念及业绩 自1931年...
(194 funds rated) Overall Morningstar RiskBelow Average HIGH LOW Category Global Large-Stock Blend ADVANTAGES AND DISADVANTAGES OF MORNINGSTAR RATINGS Ratings are based on risk-adjusted returns as of 2/28/2025 (updated monthly). Lipper Leader Scorecard ...
Allocations may not achieve investment objectives. The portfolios' risks are directly related to the risks of the underlying funds. You could lose money by investing in American Funds® U.S. Government Money Market Fund. Although the fund seeks to preserve the value of your investment at $1.00...
A high-level overview of American Funds Capital Income Builder® Retirement (RIRFX) stock. View (RIRFX) real-time stock price, chart, news, analysis, analyst reviews and more.
A high-level overview of American Funds Capital World Bond Fund® C (CCWCX) stock. View (CCWCX) real-time stock price, chart, news, analysis, analyst reviews and more.
American Funds Capital World Bond Fund® Class A(CWBFX)基金走势互动图表,强大的基金走势图表分析工具,可实时分析American Funds Capital World Bond Fund® Class A基金的历史和最新净值行情并预测其未来走势。
We are USA based group of Business People passionate for new and innovative business ideas. We know business has to be nurtured well and nurturing needs funds. Connect with us if you are aspiring entrepreneur in USA and internationally.
Our funds offer a spectrum of investment objectives, levels of volatility and asset types. Note: Our fund of funds options are not included in this chart. Learn more:American Funds® Portfolio Series,American Funds® Retirement Income Portfolio Series,American Funds Target Date Retirement Series...
If the plan ID for your Capital Group retirement plan begins with IRK, BRK, 1, 2 or 754, login here and find content related to retirement planning, mutual fund basics, rollovers, the American Funds and other retirement tools.
今日American Funds® Insurance Series Capital World Growth and Income Fund Class 2基金(0P00005YMB)净值查询,最新实时行情,走势图表,及American Funds® Insurance Series Capital World Growth and Income Fund Class 2基金(0P00005YMB)的专业技术分析,历史数