SEA CAPITAL CONSULTANCY ENGINEERING LIMITED was incorporated on 02-APR-2019 as a Private company limited by shares registered in Hong Kong. The date of annual examination for this private company limited is between Apr 02 and May 14 upon the anniversary of incorporation. The company's status is...
Matt McBurnett, Principal, VI Engineering Capital Alliance demonstrated outstanding performance by promptly generating multiple offers from qualified firms. Louie Strike, President, Chairman and CEO, Modernfold Not only was your industry experience helpful, but the discipline and transparency you brough...
SKYLAR BRAELYN CAPITAL, LLC. offers real estate finance consultancy and solutions for investors and developers. Contact us today and get funded fast.
Melville Capital Group LLC. facilitates and manages the process of opening Letters of Credit (LC's) on behalf of its clients. The LC's are issued by Prime Banks. We have established banking relationships, and are positioned to provide flexible and expedited services. Specific collateral deposits ...
Investment Culture of Experienced Management Robust Risk Alpha Integrity Team Management scroll down AboutUs ExodusPoint, founded in 2017 by Michael Gelband and Hyung Lee, began managing investor capital in 2018. The firm employs a global multi-strategy investment approach, seeking to deliver compelling...
‘We are very satisfied with the consultancy received by Georgiev, Todorov & Co. I am confident to say that the firm has a strong banking and financial practice and we are happy that we have chosen the law firm as our legal advisor.’ ‘One of the strengths of the firm in my opinion...
Jim Beretta, president of Customer Attraction, a boutique marketing consultancy with a focus on robotics, automation and advance manufacturing, offered insights on how individual company dynamics are a major driver of business value for an organization. Beretta stated, “Even in this uncertain economic...
Counsel(SW&A) is a global Professional Services consultancy in Greenville, DE, near Philadelphia, less than 2 hours from Washington, DC, and New York City. The firm is part Global Expert Network, which Science, Engineering & Technical Network, founded 1985...
Mr. Gaw holds a Bachelor of Science in Civil Engineering from the School of Engineering at the University of Pennsylvania, a Bachelor of Science in Finance from the Wharton School at the University of Pennsylvania, and a Master of Science in Construction Management from Stanford University. ...
WIS's own internal controls procedures are evaluated by an external consultancy and the results of the review are reported to the Audit Committee. Additionally, the Audit Committee receives regular reports on internal controls f...