ARTICLE OPEN The influence of psychological capital and social capital on women entrepreneurs' intentions: the mediating role of attitude Muhammad Farhan Jalil1✉, Azlan Ali2 & Rashidah Kamarulzaman3 Intention plays a critical role in enhancing ...
Fig. 3. Effect estimates of the social capital measures derived from four-level mixed-effect probit model (Part 1: selection equation) and three-level mixed-effects linear model with log link and gamma distribution (Part 2: regression equation) in rural Uttar Pradesh, India. Table 3. Multivari...
(NETO) CRÉDITOS DIFERIDOS Y COBROS ANTICIPADOS TOTAL PASIVO CAPITAL CONTABLE CAPITAL CONTRIBUIDO Capital social Aportaciones para futuros aumentos de capital formalizadas por su órgano de gobierno Prima en venta de acciones Obligaciones subordinadas en circulación CAPITAL GANADO Reservas de ...
1750Accesses 12Citations Metrics Abstract Organisms differ in the strategy adopted to fuel reproduction by using resources either previously acquired and stored in body reserves (capital breeding) or, conversely, acquired during their reproductive activity (income breeding). The choice of one or the ot...
- Proporcionar préstamos de capital básico a 1.800 personas con discapacidad y supervisar el proceso de reinserción económica. ·向1,800名残疾人士提供种子经费信贷,并监察重新融入经济生活主流的进程。 UN-2 Esos recursos o capitales básicos son: 这些基本的资源或资本包括: UN-2 Se est...
capital social: la «equity» representa, en gran medida, la distribución del poder de voto dentro de una empresa y de cómo se estructura el rendimiento en el ecosistema de lasstartups. Dicho de otro modo, si no entiendes cómo funciona el capital social, trabajarás para quien sí ...
At the risk of oversimplifying, the issue of causality divides the accounting research community in two polar views: 1) the view that causality is an unattainable ideal for the social sciences and must be given up as a standard, and 2) the view that, on one hand, causality should be ...
even though it implies, and precisely in the specific determinations of its structure, necessary relations with nature and the other structures (legal-political and ideological) which, taken together, constitute the global structure of a social formation belonging to a determinate mode of production. ...
capitalsocial Gesellschaftskapitalnt capitalsocial Stockm capitalSUBST Benutzereintrag capitalm Vermögennt Einsprachige Beispiele (nicht von der PONS Redaktion geprüft) Spanisch Ahora hay librecambio y libre circulación de capitales y es todo un desastre. ...
The Influence of Human Capital and Social Capital with Social Competency as mediator towards business success (Study on Women: Fish traders in Lamongan) Social competency had a role of partly mediation in the relationship of human capital towards business success. However, in the relationship of so...