This paper explores the constraints on the allocation of capital budgets in health care, before addressing the question: what is the role of priority setting and rationing in responses to these constraints? The relevant elements of the current literature are first summarised and considered in relation...
This support manifests itself in a variety of ways, such as prioritizing the allocation of budgets for environmental initiatives, supporting green training programs and rewarding eco-friendly behaviors among employees [48]. In addition, TMEA fosters an environment where staff feel empowered to ...
Affirmative covenants required of the entrepreneur might include an obligation to maintain certain insurance policies, protect intellectual property, comply with key agreements, prepare forecasts and budgets for review and approval by the investors, and ensure that certain investors are represented on the ...
5. Conclusions and Suggestions This paper empirically analyzes the influence of social capital on rural residents’ “whether to seek medical treatment when sick” and “choice of medical institution” based on the 2018 CFPS data using binary logit and multinomial models. The results show that among...
In addition to this, it could justify the use they would be making of resources to their stakeholders (Freeman 1984), sending signals of the good management of these resources to the market and complying with the budgets of signalling theory (Spence 1973). The research of Celenza and Rossi ...
Higher talent recruitment costs lead to higher wages, thereby draining innovation budgets [20]. Consequently, this study uses the share of R&D personnel compensation in the total R&D expenditure to measure R&D personnel recruitment costs (STP_2). The ratio of the number of patent applications for...