在财务管理中,区分revenue expenditure(收益性支出)和capital expenditure(资本性支出)至关重要。简单来说,收益性支出主要涉及那些在一年内就能产生经济效益的项目,如日常运营成本、工资、原材料费用等。这类支出的目的在于维持企业的日常运营,其效益在短期内可以明显体现。相比之下,资本性支出则聚焦于...
Capital and Revenue expenditure(资本性支出 收益性支出).ppt,Capital and Revenue expenditure (資本性支出 / 收益性支出) Capital and revenue expenditure (資本性支出 / 收益性支出) Capital expenditure Buy fixed assets or Add to the value of an existing fi
Capital Expenditure and Revenue Expenditure are two types of expenditures incurred by a business. Find out the difference between Capital Expenditure and Revenue Expenditure here.
Revenueexpenditure營業支出 –Recordingasexpenses –記錄為費用 2 BCapitalExpenditures資本支出 Definition:Capitalexpenditureismadewhenafirmspendsmoneytobuyfixedassets,andaddvaluetoanexistingfixedasset.定義:是公司購買或改良固定資產所要支付的費用;增加固定資產的價值。e.g.costofbuyingalorry,thedeliverychargeof...
结果一 题目 revenue expenditure 与 capital expenditure 的区别最好可以有例子... 答案 收益性支出,与资本性支出,一项支出其受益期一年以内(包括一年)的为收益性支出,收益期超过一年的为资本性支出.相关推荐 1revenue expenditure 与 capital expenditure 的区别最好可以有例子......
Capitalandrevenueexpenditure (資本性支出 / 收益性支出) Capitalexpenditure Buyfixedassetsor Addtothevalueofanexistingfixedasset Revenueexpenditure Runningthebusinessonaday-to-daybasis. CapitalExpenditure Spenton: Acquiringfixedassets. Bringingthemintothefrim. ...
Capital expenditure 是asset,revenue expenditure 是expense,中文来讲集市收益性支出,与资本性支出,一项支出其受益期一年以内(包括一年)的为收益性支出,收益期超过一年的为资本性支出.
1,rentability expenditure subjects included in the current cost,and need to transfer information between capital expenditures,included in the subject of fixed assets,amortization according to use fixed number of year later. 2,rentability expenditure is to bring the current benefit,generally within a ...
To know about the capital expenditures and revenue expenditures, first of all, it is very important to know about the meaning of expenditure beforehand. Expenditure is basically spending of funds or money to avail services or for purchasing. Let’s us take a look. Capital and Revenue ...