CapitalandRevenueexpenditure (資本性支出/收益性支出) Capitalandrevenueexpenditure (資本性支出/收益性支出) Capitalexpenditure Buyfixedassetsor Addtothevalueofanexistingfixedasset Revenueexpenditure Runningthebusinessonaday-to-daybasis. CapitalExpenditure •Spenton: •Acquiringfixedassets. •Bringingthemintothe...
结果一 题目 revenue expenditure 与 capital expenditure 的区别最好可以有例子... 答案 收益性支出,与资本性支出,一项支出其受益期一年以内(包括一年)的为收益性支出,收益期超过一年的为资本性支出.相关推荐 1revenue expenditure 与 capital expenditure 的区别最好可以有例子......
1.Capital expenditure and revenue expenditure Difference between capital and revenue expenditure Expenditure Type of Expenditure Buying van Capital Petrol costs for van Revenue Repairs to van Revenue Putting extra headlights on van Capital Buying machinery Capital Electricity costs of using machinery Revenue...
Capital and Revenue expenditure(资本性支出 收益性支出).ppt,Capital and Revenue expenditure (資本性支出 / 收益性支出) Capital and revenue expenditure (資本性支出 / 收益性支出) Capital expenditure Buy fixed assets or Add to the value of an existing fi
Examples of revenue expenditures Salaries Supplies Marketing and advertising Commissions Telecommunication expenses How to account for Capital Expenditure and Revenue Expenditure Capex approval processesare not fully deducted during the accounting period they were incurred in, but rather depreciated to spread th...
Revenueexpenditure營業支出 –Recordingasexpenses –記錄為費用 2 BCapitalExpenditures資本支出 Definition:Capitalexpenditureismadewhenafirmspendsmoneytobuyfixedassets,andaddvaluetoanexistingfixedasset.定義:是公司購買或改良固定資產所要支付的費用;增加固定資產的價值。e.g.costofbuyingalorry,thedeliverychargeof...
assets in good working condition is revenue expenditure Examples are : salaries and wages, fuel used to drive machinery, electricity used to light the factory or offices, etc. Such expenditure does not increase the efficiency of the firm, nor does it result in the acquisition of something ...
A revenue expenditure is an amount that is spent for an expense that will be matched immediately with the revenues reported on the current period’s income statement. Examples of Revenue Expenditures Examples of revenue expenditures include the amounts spent on repairs and maintenance, selling, gener...
Revenue and capital expenditures are expenses ingrained in the daily operation of a business. In this lesson, compare and contrast these types of expenditures, including examples of each and how they are considered on a balance sheet. Related to this Question ...
The term revenue expenditures refers to any money spent by a business that covers short-term expenses. This means the money is used for expenses that are used within one year. Some examples of revenue expenditures include rent, property taxes, utilities, and employee salaries. The B...