Capital and Ideology 作者:Thomas Piketty 出版社:The Belknap Press of Harvard University Press 原作名:Capital et idéologie 译者:Arthur Goldhammer 页数:1104/1105 装帧:pdf ISBN:9780674245075 豆瓣评分 9.1 55人评价 5星 61.8% 4星 29.1% 3星 7.3%...
就像私有财产神圣的意识形态(proprietarian ideology)拒绝任何挑战现有产权的尝试, 因为害怕打开潘多拉的盒子一样,二十世纪的苏联意识形态除了严格的国家所有制之外,拒绝允许任何东西,以免私有财产找到某个小缝隙,最后感染整个系统。 最终,每一种意识形态都是某种形式的神圣化的牺牲品 — 一种情况下是私有财产,另一种情况...
Capital and Ideology 电子书 读后感 评分☆☆☆ 前印度央行行长 拉古拉姆•拉詹 托马斯•皮凯蒂(Thomas Piketty)在2013年出版了颇具影响力的著作《二十一世纪资本论》(Capital in the Twenty-First Century),那本书的书迷也会喜欢现在这部众人期待已久的续作。这本书甚至更有分量(按照字面意思也是如此:这本书...
Corporate EntrepreneurshipThe Roles of Ideology and Social Capital This article posits that entrepreneurial behavior within an organization can only be effectively created and controlled through an appropriate corporate cu... LH Chung,PT Gibbons - 《Group & Organization Management An International Journal》...
On the field of ideology and legal ideology of 星级: 9 页 ideology and manas:ideology和玛纳斯 星级: 11 页 ideology and power 星级: 351 页 Ethics and Ideology 星级: 19 页 Identity and ideology 星级: 13 页 curriculum and ideology 星级: 116 页 media and ideology 星级: 36 页 Id...
Capital and Ideologydoi:10.4159/9780674245075Harvard University PressPikettyThomas
随便翻翻《Capital and Ideology》,就知道中文译本出不来的原因,提到中国200多次,按现在出版标准至少得删掉半本书,比如图中红线这句话,“have become hypercapitalism’s staunchest allies”,一语击中要害,看透了这些道理,就会非常容易理解现在的很多现象,而这些现象虽然很关键,但大都不显眼,隐藏在网上铺天盖地的意识...
摘要: Organic Intellectuals in South Africa - The Political Nature of a Ruling Class: Capital and Ideology in South Africa 1890–1933. By BozzoliBelinda. London: Routledge and Kegan Paul, 1981. Pp. xi + 384. £14. - Volume 25 Issue 1 - Colin Bundy...
The thesis of this article is that the transformation of private sector retirement plans from traditional defined benefits pensions to 401(k)-like defined contribution stock market investment schemes, attacks on public worker pensions, and attempts to privatize and reduce the benefits of Social ...
GovLoop and GosBook are similar in their ideology and practice, but exposure audience of English-speaking project is wider. Thus, solutions concept became international, i.e. it considers positive experience and fails of the experts of many countries. ...