If the definitions that were recommended by these two bodies are used for defining whether the result of an oral glucose tolerance test is to be considered normal or abnormal, the present results indicate that the verdict will in some cases be influenced by the route by which the blood was ...
The capillary equivalents for the venous threshold values were calculated by regression analysis. The glucose challenge test predictions of either normal or abnormal agreed in 82%. The sensitivity, specificity, and positive and negative predictive values for the capillary oral glucose tolerance test were...
e. While most CBC parameters exhibit similar values in capillary than venous, platelets are lower, due to local aggregation, especially at higher counts. Chavan P, et al. Comparison of complete blood count parameters between venous and capillary blood in oncology patients. J Lab Phys 2016;8:65...
Data were tested for normal distribution using the Kolmogorov-Smirnov-Test. For each tested hand-held device, descriptive statistics were estimated for the glucose concentrations analyzed in capillary and coccygeal blood. Additionally, the Pearson correlation coefficients were calculated between the reference...
Values represent the mean ± SEM of three independent experiments [38]. c ERK isoform responses to PMA treatment detected by Charge-CNIA. RasGRP3 transfected LNCaP cells were treated with indicated concentrations of PMA for 30 min. ERK1 and ERK2 signals were analyzed with charge-CNIA using ...
Music can regulate respiratory rate in the normal range, and decrease stress levels, energy expenditure, and episodes of apneas and bradycardias [31]. The study of Patel et al. revealed that music therapy can have a positive effect on the various responses of preterm infants during painful ...
The first is that the experiments are based on albumin transport, and a different picture might emerge if larger test molecules were investigated. The second criticism is that the values they report for albumin clearance in their perfused tissues are greater, and those for σd are less, than ...
so that the reaction zone cannot absorb the blood or serum fast enough. The addition of saccharides or polysaccharides eliminates this inconvenience and effects simultaneously the stability of the enzyme activity during storage under normal conditions in a stabilizing manner. Storage in a refrigerator ca...
CD was Figure 1 Sequential systolic blood pressure values during the 8-week experimental period in the five groups: control (n¼10), normal diet group; fructose-fed rat (FFR) (n¼9), fructose-fed rats group; FFR+HCTZ (n¼9), fructose-fed rats and hydrochlorothiazide group; FFR+LOS...
**p < 0.01, ***p < 0.001, by two-way ANOVA with Tukey's post hoc multiple comparison test. P and F values of two-way ANOVA refer to comparisons of age groups (PA, FA), ADtg versus WT genotype groups (PG, FG), interactions (PI, FI) deposits in retinal blood vessels of...