To the Movies1 characters assigned The Batman9 characters assigned The New Batman Adventures127 characters assigned Wonder Woman6 characters assigned Young Justice130 characters assigned Bruce Wayne 0 Missing Characters Note a Missing Character
Batman, Iron Man and the Hulk walk into a bar. Where they run into Doc Octo-Mom, Male Drag Wonder Woman, Brief Justice and The Panty Raider and dozens of other superheroes and costumed criminals. Everybody gets smashed. It’s just another fun-filled nigh
Jack Burnley – pencils, inks Story:Batman and the Boy Wonder spend a day with the police emergency team, learning how much they help the community and even pitching in on small missions, valuing their commitment to the city. The Crime Surgeon Created by: Bill Finger – writer Bob Kane –...
No wonder, then, that the new show contains so many Easter eggs,DC Comicsreferences, and little details you might have missed. In our new Batman video, we’ll show you all the waysCaped Crusaderpays homage to the Dark Knight’s long history both onscreen and in comics. We’ll show yo...
including Wonder Woman taking on Poseidon himself in the streets of London, this issue has the scope of a blockbuster and the plot of a Greek tragedy. Azzarello continues to prove that his vision of Wonder Woman trumps all of the other incarnations in the character’s 70-plus year history....