The colorful 1960s version of the Caped Crusader will team up with the groovy 1970s rendition of Wonder Woman in a new comic book series. TV versions of 'Batman,' 'Wonder Woman' to meet in new comic THE headline act may be the Caped Crusader versus the Man of Steel but the real te...
Batman’s corner of the DCAU was dripping with stylized crime-noir art direction and the possibility of seeing a modernized incarnation of that setting and the stories is way too much potential to pass up. Especially so with someaccomplished Dark Knight storytellers like Reeves, Timm, and Brubak...
Jack Burnley – pencils, inks Story:Batman and the Boy Wonder spend a day with the police emergency team, learning how much they help the community and even pitching in on small missions, valuing their commitment to the city. The Crime Surgeon Created by: Bill Finger – writer Bob Kane –...