antique shops and used bookstores. Undoubtedly he visited Parnassus just down the street. He then brought his found treasures home, where he put them in hiswunderkammers– cabinets of wonder. You could say without fear of contradiction that Edward Gorey had hoarding tendencies...
I can’t imagine the mess laid at the feet of those of you whodiddeign to watch it on the big screen. Not only was that movie all over the place, tonally and plotwise, but the behavior of its so-called “heroes” made the impending “get ready to root for the bad guys” aspect...
The twisting roads, high above the ocean, are quite a thrill and may frighten those with a fear of heights, but if you stick it through, you’ll love it! Stop at one of the picnic spaces along the route to take photos and breathe in the ocean air. ...