Hyannis is the largest of Barnstable’s seven villages, the only area classified as “urban” in Barnstable County, one of the richest areas of Cape Cod and also the poorest. Consequently, Hyannis news is full of diverse topics, ranging from schools to police reports to industry and culture....
She joked at the start of the show that she had been shopping earlier that day at the Cape Cod Mall in nearby Hyannis.“That’s right, Tiffany’s still at the mall,” she said with a laugh. “I can’t not go to the mall!”...
(CapeCodandIslandsChapter) •Education&Outreach •DisasterPreparedness •GeneralOfficeSupport PaulaSweetman-ChapterProgramManager (508)775-1540x14;paula.sweetman@redcross AIDSSupportGroupofCapeCod •LunchdeliveryM-F(Provincetownonly) •Lunchdelivery2 nd ThursdayandFridayof eachmonth(Hyannis) •...