虽然景色一般,风也很大,但还是吃了午饭。 第二站:Cape Cod National Seashore 接下来是Cape Cod National Seashore。注意不要直接导航到这个区域,因为Google map定位不太准确。我们到了才发现,结果直接跑路了。 第三站:Nauset Lighthouse 然后是Nauset Lighthouse,主要是看一个灯塔。逗留时间很短,拍了几张照片就...
Cape Cod National Seashore by the Department of Interior. The Cape Cod National Seashore was created on August 7, 1961, by President John F. Kennedy. This protected the area from private development and preserved it for public use. It encompasses 43,607 acres and includes ponds, woods, and ...
The Cape Cod National Seashore is the crown gem among our National Parks system reserving 44,000 acres of pristine seashore and uplands for perpetuity. Eastham is the gateway — literally the starting point — for these 40 miles of undeveloped Atlantic coastline. It encompasses many natural habi...
Cape Cod National Seashore extends some 40 miles around the curve of the Outer Cape and encompasses the Atlantic shoreline from Orleans all the way to…
The Cape Cod National Seashore features over 40 miles of gorgeous beach, marshes and ponds and is home to a number of cultural landscapes...
这里的大石头延伸到海中,道路两旁是广阔的湿地,栖息着各种颜色的海鸟。我们傍晚时分前往,正好赶上阴天,相信夕阳下的景色会更加迷人。 这次Cape Cod的两日游不仅让我们享受了清凉的海水和美丽的沙滩,还体验了当地的美食和露营的乐趣。这是一次难忘的夏日旅行,绝对值得一试! 0 0 发表评论 发表 ...
这次去Cape Cod是在Juneteenth假期,结果碰到下雨天,真是冷到不行!风也特别大,真心建议大家还是等到7月以后再来吧。不过,虽然天气不给力,Cape Cod的海滩还是挺不错的,沙子特别细,看别人发的日落照片也很美。需要注意的是,Race Point Beach和Herring Cove Beach都属于national seashore,所以需要买票或者国家公园年卡...
Home to the Cape Cod National Seashore, the Outer Cape region of Cape Cod offers stunning beaches, dramatic landscapes and a vibrant arts & culture scene. Read More Lower Cape The Lower Cape region of Cape Cod is a maritime wonderland, featuring picturesque harbors, quaint downtowns, a com...
🎫 门票信息:海滩需要支付停车费,可以选择购买national park annual pass(80美元)或cape cod national seashore day pass(25美元)。Cape Cod有近25个海滩,具体收费不同。最后那个湿地由镇上管理,如果4:30pm前到达需要额外支付20美元的停车费。希望这些信息能帮助你更好地规划你的Cape Cod一日游!
Cape Cod National Seashore, Off-Road Vehicle UseDonald J. Barry