Shining Sea Bikeway (四星推荐) 这条自行车道全长约10.7英里(17.2公里),从Falmouth中心地带一直延伸到Woods Hole。它是一条铺设在铁路走廊上的自行车道,全程面向大西洋的湛蓝海水,风景美得让人窒息。 Cape Cod Rail Trail(三星推荐) 这条自行车道全长约22英里(35公里),沿着旧铁路线修建而成,连接了岛中部多个镇...
我们逛了小镇,还骑了bike trail(图三),上山下海,感觉非常棒。1⃣️租车:强烈建议选择电动车,可以省很多体力。如果你和我一样喜欢“自己蹬”,那就加油吧!上坡真的很难,但下坡真的很爽。2⃣️装备:帽子和防晒用品一样都不能少!记得带上。3⃣️沙滩午觉醒来看日落:我们先骑到比较大的Race Point Bea...
A guide to bicycling on Cape Cod. Bike trails including the National Seashore, Nickerson Park, Rail Trail and Falmouth Shining Sea Trail. Maps for all Cape Cod biking paths.
Rail Trail Bike & Kayak Rentals is located directly on the Cape Cod Rail Trail. We strive to be your one-stop bike and kayak rental shop to explore, discover and experience Cape Cod’s natural beauty.
Cape Cod Bike Trails Cape Cod Trails Conference Cape Tides Cape Cod National Seashore Nickerson State Park recommended books: Walking the Cape and Islands by David Weintraub Cape Wind by Robert Whitcomb Walking the Shores of Cape Cod by Elliott Carr...
Cape Cod Bike Trails Cape Cod Trails Conference Cape Tides Cape Cod National Seashore Nickerson State Park recommended books: Walking the Cape and Islands by David Weintraub Cape Wind by Robert Whitcomb Walking the Shores of Cape Cod by Elliott Carr...
Cape Cod, one of New England’s most well-known beach destinations, boasts 40 miles of beachfront offering a variety of experiences. Many visitors here enjoy simply relaxing on the soft sands and gentle waves, but some prefer to take advantage of the ext
One-stop resource for road cycling and mountain bike information for the Cape Cod area. Detailed listings for road and mountain biking.
北美运动联盟NASU . Cape Cod🐟鳕鱼角是波士顿周边一个热门旅游地点想在逐渐回暖的春季安排一个小旅行,去鳕鱼角可再适合不过了。今天就跟大家推荐一下鳕鱼角既好玩又经典的地方吧
Cape Cod Canal Summer ProgramsWhen: Multiple dates in July 2025 Where: Most programs are held at Cape Cod Canal Visitors Center, 60 Ed Moffitt Drive in Sandwich; Bike Hikes meet at Buzzards Bay Recreation Area on Main Street in Buzzards Bay....