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CAPCOM Pro Tour Players the world over engage in fierce combat to determine who wins the right to call themselves champion each year. Who will grab the prize money and seize the crown!? MORE ABOUTWhat is Street Fighter? There's Always ...
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欢迎来到Capcom40周年网站——Capcom Town!为感谢各位玩家的厚爱,我们准备了许多有趣的内容。“博物馆”中可以欣赏Capcom历代游戏的图片与影像,“经典游戏”中可以重温昔日游戏,“Capcom总评选”中还可以亲自参与投票。
The road to Capcom Cup 11 starts over at @theyetee with the launch of an official event tee featuring two titans of Street Fighter 6, E. Honda and Akuma! This limited tee is available online through March 10th! goods 03/06/2025
取得CAPCOM ID TOPICS 2024.7.11 我們會舉辦週年活動,來慶祝《Exoprimal》上市一週年。 2024.4.17 遊玩恐龍生存戰即可贏得全新的 UNDER DOGS Decal! 2024.4.5 公開2024年4月17日發佈的版本更新第4彈詳情!除了與《Mega Man》的合作企劃外,更預定追加Beta強攻裝甲變體和新模式!
The road to Capcom Cup 11 starts over at @theyetee with the launch of an official event tee featuring two titans of Street Fighter 6, E. Honda and Akuma! This limited tee is available online through March 10th! goods 03/06/2025
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