Synonyms: capability, competence, adequacy, aptitude quality or state of being susceptible to a given treatment or action: Steel has a high capacity to withstand pressure. position; function; role: He served in the capacity of legal adviser. legal qualification. Electricity. capacitance. maximum ...
How to Use Em Dashes (—), En Dashes (–) , and Hyphens (-) 'Sneaked' or 'Snuck': Which is correct? What's the difference between 'fascism' and 'socialism'? More Commonly Misspelled Words Words You Always Have to Look Up Popular in Wordplay ...
Define Capacity (law). Capacity (law) synonyms, Capacity (law) pronunciation, Capacity (law) translation, English dictionary definition of Capacity (law). n. pl. in·ca·pac·i·ties 1. Inadequate strength or ability; lack of capacity. 2. A defect or han
Finding the exact meaning of any word online is a little tricky. There is more than 1 meaning of each word. However the meaning of Inherited Capacity stated above is reliable and authentic. It can be used in various sentences and Inherited Capacity word synonyms are also given on this page...
Synonyms for Capacity On Demand in Free Thesaurus. Antonyms for Capacity On Demand. 51 synonym for capacity: ability, power, strength, facility, gift, intelligence, efficiency, genius, faculty, capability, forte, readiness, aptitude, aptness. What are sy
Define capacity unit. capacity unit synonyms, capacity unit pronunciation, capacity unit translation, English dictionary definition of capacity unit. Noun 1. capacity unit - a unit of measurement of volume or capacity capacity measure, cubage unit, cubat
Synonyms for carrying capacity in Free Thesaurus. Antonyms for carrying capacity. 51 synonym for capacity: ability, power, strength, facility, gift, intelligence, efficiency, genius, faculty, capability, forte, readiness, aptitude, aptness. What are syno
A DICTIONARY OF DISCRIMINATED ENGLISH SYNONYMS, Edited by Wang Zhengyuan, 1st edition, Mar. 1994 A HANDBOOK OF ENGLISH GRAMMAR, Edited by Bo Bing, Zhao Dexin and others, 3rd edition, 1982 Guide to Patterns and Usage in English, Written by A. S. Hornby, 3rd edition, Mar. 1981 Practical ...
Understanding the rich English vocabulary used to express this idea requires a nuanced approach, going beyond simple translations. This exploration will delve into the different ways we articulate the idea of 《容量的英语》, examining synonyms, related terms, and the subtle differen...
Oxford Advanced Learner’s English-Chinese Dictionary,9th edition A Dictionary of English Usage, Edited by Ge Chuangui, 1st edition, Jun. 2002 《英语惯用法大词典》,王福祯 徐达山主编,1995年8月第1版 HANDBOOK OF COLLEGE ENGLISH SYNONYMS, Edited by Pan Xiaoyan, 1st edition, Nov. 2001 A COMPANION...