The power calculations were based on simulations in which all 5 candidate dose-response models (detailed below) were used for dose-response modeling.To allow for a dropout rate of up to 25%, the final sample size was 288 patients. The assumptions for the power calculation (threshold of a ...
The local search of hummingbirds in the territorial foraging strategy is modeled using Eq. (10), which helps to identify a candidate food source by: $$ \zeta (t + 1) = Xb_{i} (t) + b \times D \times Xb_{i} (t) $$ (10) $$ b\sim N(0,1) $$ (11) Where b is ...
FinO-domain proteins are a widespread family of bacterial RNA-binding proteins with regulatory functions. Their target spectrum ranges from a single RNA pair, in the case of plasmid-encoded FinO, to global RNA regulons, as with enterobacterial ProQ. To a
(or response time) to a potential service location (Berman & Handler, 1987). The MCPP also arises in single-winner election methods, where pairwise candidate comparisons rely on sequences (i.e., path) of intermediate candidates and the smallest number of voters in the sequence of comparisons...
Essential to building cardiovascular health promotion capacity in youth, which extends into adulthood, are approaches that seek to empower, educate, and support. The Five Cs model of positive youth development (PYD) guided this study. This model represen
We also found the TEP1*R3 allele exclusively in An. merus, though being sympatric with An. arabiensis, which is consistent with previous findings [20, 43]. However, the function of the TEP1*R3 allele is yet to be elucidated, although our data suggest that they may be associated with ...
The platinum plate was used to measure the interfacial tension between the oil phase which was pipetted onto the aqueous phase. Particles were dispersed in either the oil or aqueous phase and measurements were taken until an equilibrium interfacial tension was achieved. All interfacial tension ...
TU Delft offers personal and professional training courses in the form of a graduate school, in which the candidate will participate (the fee is paid by the project and there are no additional costs for this). Furthermore, in addition to her/his scientific supervisors, the applicant will recei...
The difference between decided and candidate projects is reflected as follows: decided power plants are assumed to be operational by the final year of the modeling (2040), hence “existing”. “Future” plants are candidate plants for which the least-cost optimization model will determine whether ...
GP is classified under the heading of evolutionary algorithms (EAs), which is stemmed from genetic algorithm (GA) [42, 60]. However, genetic programming and the rest of disciplines of EA are different in some aspects: GP pertains to machine learning, whereas the rest of EAs are usually ...