double Q 2 rescaling to caluclate the change of K factor with x A 2 change when the nuclei C C is in collision which have been given different x A 1 on the valence,and in this calculation we have considered the contributions of annihilations and Compton Scattering in the Drell Yan ...
In addition to the IT formulation design space requirements, another difficult task is to formulate an enzyme in a non-physiological environment while it maintains its long-term stability and efficacy; for biological macromolecules, due to the inherent unstable and complex nature, this is not a pri...
Although deletion ofGCN4in RPKO strains partially restores lifespan to wild type levels18, whether the Gcn4 overexpression is sufficient to increase yeast replicative lifespan is not known. To test this, we replaced the endogenous promoter and 5′UTR sequence of theGCN4gene with the constitutivel...
). The sequences were analyzed and assigned to operational taxonomic units (OTUs; 97% identity). Alpha diversity included calculation of ACE, Chao1, Shannon, and Simpson indices, beta diversity using principal coordinate analysis (PCoA) and unweighted Unifrac cluster tree and environmental factor ...
The determination of cell viability included the calculation of absorbance values in relation to control groups, after blank subtractions, which were afterwards represented as a percentage. 4.5. Melanogenesis Assay in B16F10 and MNT-1 Monocultures The determination of intracellular melanin and ...
4.3.4. Polyphenols—Results Calculation All polyphenols were identified by using pure standards (Sigma-Aldrich, Warsaw, Poland) and the retention times for the internal standards. Standard curves prepared for all phenolic compounds are presented in Figure 1 and Figure 2. Pure phenolic standards were...
Calculation by MINEQL+, a program for equilibration of chemical species in solution, verified that pFe (–lg[free ferric]) corresponded to the total iron concentration in each treatment, and precipitation of other trace metals was negligible under the conditions employed. The experimental period ...
Composition of flavonoids in fresh herbs and calculation of flavonoid intake by use of herbs in traditional Danish dishes. Food Chem. 2001, 73, 245–250. 2. Halliwell, B.; Guteridge, J.M.C. Free Radicals in Biology and Medicine, 2nd ed.; Clarendon Press: Oxford, UK, 1989. 3. Käh...