Activities in mathematics education and teaching interactions. The construction of the measurement of capacity in pre-schoolers In this study we attempted to highlight the pedagogical role of activities to familiarize pre-schoolers with the measurement processes of container capacit... Konstantinos Zachar...
2,3]. Additionally, being physically active during childhood and adolescence can promote physical literacy and contribute to lifelong engagement in physical activities [4]. Further, developing fundamental movement skills (FMS),
In order to determine the influence of the activating methodologies in the development of narrative capacities in pre-school children, an attempt was made to outline an explicit and activating orientation in the structuring of activities towards the development of narrative capacities within the personal...
Biological data are relevant to social and economic development, but additional field studies may be as important as the laboratory experiments to answer questions that also affect work productivity, household maintenance and child raising activities, and hence affect social and economic development. We ...
The results show that if the parents are more involved in the activities of the children following the counseling by the social worker, then their ability to socialize will see significant improvements.GOIAN, CosminJournal Plus Education / Educaia Plus...
Updating is an important cognitive function, which is involved in different activities. For example, when we read a novel, we need to maintain new relevant representations and inhibit old, no-longer-relevant representations, in order to understand the text (e.g., Iglesias-Sarmiento et al. 2015...
A study focused on mobile usage among young children showed that many parents in the United Kingdom are worried about not effectively monitoring their young children’s usage of handheld devices, with extensive time being spent on such activities, mainly for video watching and educational ...
This study investigates the potential of a voice-controlled collaborative robot to promote computational thinking (CT) skills in preschoolers aged 4 to 6 in Southern Chile. During a week-long workshop, 34 children engaged in activities designed to develop several CT components while interacting with...