If methicillin-resistant S aureus (MRSA) is suspected, add vancomycin 15 mg/kg every 12 hours, adjusted based on levels, or linezolid 600 mg every 12 hours. Risk factors for MRSA include hemoptysis, recent influenza, neutropenia, hemodialysis, and congestive heart failure. [19] During influenza...
A total of 169 patients were reviewed of which 103 (60%) had comorbidities or risk factors for MRSA and pseudomonas. Most common antibiotics prescribed were amoxicillin/clavulanate + azithromycin in 81 (47.9%) and amoxicillin/clavulanate in 42 (24.9%) of patient (table 1). Monotherapy was ...
参考代表性治疗/依靠当地资料 -个体化用药-合理用药的精髓 病人来源:社区、养老院、医院高龄、基础疾病、近期抗菌药物、近期住院、侵袭性操作、晚发医院感染 经验性抗感染治疗-药物选择 -considerationsinchoosingantibioticforempirictherapy 选择哪种抗菌药物 感染部位的常见病原学选择能够覆盖病原体的抗感染药物 -抗菌...
2013-01-19-耐药背景下CAP的个体化治疗-CME 2 2001年在欧洲危重病会议和ICC 从“猛击策略”到“降阶梯策略” 开始的广覆盖-对于重症感染 开始即使用广谱抗生素以覆盖所有可能致病菌 [对VAP]最初治疗应针对G-和G+ 包括MRSA,Gram涂片发现G+球菌与培养金葡萄阳性率之间高 随后的降阶梯-48-72小时...
Has this affected the way you approach patients at higher risk of infection with these strains of bacteria? In my experience, I have encountered patients with COVID-19 as well as MRSA. I have also seen patients with concurrent fungal infections, (such as aspergillosis). Five risk factors have...
“降阶梯策略,开始的广覆盖-对于重症感染 开始即使用广谱抗生素以覆盖所有可能致病菌 随后的降阶梯-48-72小时后 根据微生物学检查结果调整抗生素的使用/使之更有针对性,目的和意义:防止病情迅速恶化 VS 防止细菌产生耐药/降低费用 “”与“降阶梯”的有机统一,对VAP最初治疗应针对G-和G+MRSA,GramG+球菌与培养...
For outpatients with no comorbidities or risk factors for MRSA or P. aeruginosa, amoxicillin, doxycycline, or a macrolide are all appropriate choices, assuming local pneumococcal resistance to macrolides is less than 25%. Patients with comorbidities should receive either a respiratory fluoroquinolone alon...
(CA-MRSA) is still rare, but its incidencehas been increasing lately and is expectedto continue to rise. It has been foundin both adults and children and seems tofollow influenza. Patients with CA-MRSAhave cavitary infiltrates without risk factorsfor aspiration. Both sputum andblood cultures ...
12、体耐药性评估贯穿CAP治疗方案选择之中 多重耐药肺炎链球菌(MDRSP) -PRSP及其与-内酰胺类药物交叉耐药 -大环内酯耐药肺炎链球菌(MRSP) 革兰阴性杆菌肺炎 -ESBL+肠杆菌科细菌(肺克/大肠) 铜绿假单胞菌 社区肺炎中MRSA问题社区发作/社区获得? 耐药肺炎链球菌危险因素 Risk Factors for Drug-Resistant S. pneumoni...
CAP- risk factors for CA-MRSA CAP (4) - End-stage renal disease - IV drug abusers - Influenza - Prior antibiotic therapy- esp FQ's *Data lacking on MOST appropriate empiric therapy CAP- ICU management for suspected pseudomonoas 1. Beta- lactam (Piperacillin-tazobactam, Cefepime, Imipenem,...