The article reports that the College of American Pathologists (CAP) will compete on the federal playing field for gynecologic cytology proficiency testing, a field that the Midwest Institute for Medical Education Inc. has all to itself this year. The CAP program offers field-validated slides; 22 ...
[Keywords]CollegeofAmerican Pathologists; gynecologic cytology proficiency testing program; Pap smear 巴氏涂片是检测妇科宫颈癌及癌前病变最经典的一种检测方法。我室传统妇科细胞病理学检测以其经济、快速而被广大临床医生所接受和认可。但是巴氏涂片是一种筛查试验,具备筛查试验所固有的假阴性的特点,因此,质量控制显...
8、cytology detection.Keywords College of American Pathologists; gynecologic cytology proficiency testing program; Pap smear巴氏涂片是检测妇科宫颈癌及癌前病变最经典的一种检测方法。 我室传统妇科细胞病理 学检测以其经济、 快速而被广大临床医生所接受和认可。 但是巴氏涂片是一种筛查试验, 具 备筛查试验所固有...
1992(Feb 28): 7177-7180 42CFR493.1449: bacteriology, mycobacteriology, mycology, parasitology, virology, diagnostic immunology, chemistry, hematology, cytology, ophthalmic pathology, dermatopathology, oral pathology, radiobioassay, immunohematology. 26、 Additional requirements for the section directors of ...
2位国内专家 2013.9.10 获得CAP 认可 浙二CAP 认证时间表 CAP Accreditation Chronological Table 二、所有实验室项目性能符合要求 (Method Performance Specifications )一、组织架构要清晰、岗位职责要明确、人员资质要阳光 Organization Chart &Job Responsibility & personnel requriement by testing Complexity 对策: ...
1992(Feb 28) 7177-7180 [42CFR493.1449] bacteriology, mycobacteriology, mycology, parasitology, virology, diagnostic immunology, chemistry, hematology, cytology, ophthalmic pathology, dermatopathology, oral pathology, radiobioassay, immunohematology. Additional requirements for the section directors of the ...
1992(Feb 28): 7177-7180 [42CFR493.1449]: bacteriology, mycobacteriology, mycology, parasitology, virology, diagnostic immunology, chemistry, hematology, cytology, ophthalmic pathology, dermatopathology, oral pathology, radiobioassay, immunohematology. Additional requirements for the section directors of the...
MedLabsoffersawiderangeofMedicallaboratorytestsincludingClinicalPathology(Biochemistry,Haematology,Microbiology,MolecularBiology&Genetics,Immunology,Serology,MetabolicDisorders)andSurgicalPathologytesting(HistopathologyandCytology). ReferralServicesforadvancedtestingtolocal®ionallaboratories ...
Review of intermediate test results or worksheets, quality control records, proficiency testing r 33、esults, and preventive maintenance records 4. Direct observation of performance of instrument maintenance and function checks 5. Assessment of test performance through testing previously analyzed specimens,...
Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS) to draw back its proposed revisions on the requirements for proficiency testing for pathologists and cytotechnologists who execute Pap testing. CAP submitted a letter to CMS stating its concern about the rulemaking's compliance with the Regulatory ...