not those posted on the Web site. The Checklists undergo regular revision and Checklists may be revised after you receive your packet. If a Checklist has been updated since receiving your packet, you will be inspected based upon the Checklists that were mailed. If you have any questions abou...
Checklist When filing abug report, please check the boxes below to confirm that you have provided us with the information we need. Have you: formatted your issueso it is easier for us to read? included a minimal, self-contained, and reproducible example?
I have a couple of related issues with a table made bykableExtra::kbl()andkableExtra::kable_styling()which spans multiple pages in the resulting pdf. First issue When I render the pdf in quarto with a label#| label: tbl-longTablethe table are cut on the first page. If I instead remove...
CAP认证依据是 CAP自己制定的标准,即评审检查要点( CHECKLIST), 它主要参照了 CLIA-88 的标准和美国的法律法规。 CA 4、P的室间质评结果是作为医学实验室执业许可或认证的依据。 目前 (2009 年底 ) 全球已有200 多个国家和地区的公立和私立实验室通过了CAP认证,中国现有11 家实验室通过了 CAP认证,其中 4 家...