Suzanne Scotchmer.Cap-and-Trade,Emissions Taxes,and Innovation,. Innovation Policy and the Economy . 2010Scotchmer, Suzanne, "Cap‐and‐Trade, Emissions Taxes, and Innovation," working paper, Department of Economics, University of California, Berkeley (March 2,...
The Power of Cap-and-Trade "A price on carbon is the least costly way to provide meaningful incentives for technology innovation and diffusion, reduce emissions from fossil fuels, and drive energy efficiency. In the long run, it can reduce our use of oil and drive... R Schmalensee,RN ...
Influenced by the success of emission trading in the US for sulphur dioxide (SO2), some economists have argued for an upstream, economy-wide cap-and-trade scheme as the primary tool for achieving the required reduction in greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions. This paper addresses that argument a...
cap-and-tradeemissions tradinglocal governmenttransportation sectorurban planningurban sprawlA novel approach is described for limiting transport emissions through a cap-and-trade emissions trading scheme, whereby local governments would be the participants of emissions trading. It is proposed that emissions...
Keywords: : Emissions markets; Cap-and-trade schemes; Combined equilibrium models with elastic demand; 1. Introduction Currently exists an international purchasing and selling market regulated by Kyoto Protocol in which the rights on contaminant emissions produced by countries are traded. The main object...
• Proposed Regulatory Framework to cap GHG emissions from oil and gas sector • Draft regulations to be released in 2024, final regulations targeted for 2025 • Reporting requirements from 2026, ongoing consideration of how to phase in the emissio
de Vries FP, Dijkstra BR, McGinty M (2013) On emissions trading and market structure: cap-and-trade versus intensity standards. Environ Resour Econ. :10.1007/s10640-013-9715-2Frans P. de Vries, Bouwe R. Dijkstra, Matthew McGinty. 2013. On Emissions Trading and Market Structure: Cap-and...
Advantages of cap and trade: 1) It creates an incentive to have cleaner factories. If you operate more cleanly, then you can sell more pollution...Become a member and unlock all Study Answers Start today. Try it now Create an account Ask a question ...
The meaning of CAP-AND-TRADE is relating to or being a system that caps the amount of carbon emissions a given company may produce but allows it to buy rights to produce additional emissions from a company that does not use the equivalent amount of its o
Cap and trade is a common term for a government regulatory program designed to limit, or cap, the total level of certain emissions as a result of industrial activity. Proponents of cap and trade programs argue that they are a palatable alternative to acarbon tax. Both measures are attempts ...