npm install --save canvas-confetti 也可以在 HTML 的直接引入 js 文件: <script src="./confetti.browser.min.js"></script> 通过下面几行代码就可以简单实现一个抛撒五彩纸屑的特效动画: confetti({ particleCount: 100, spread: 70, origin: { y: 0.6 } }); 基于Canvas 实现 Canvas Confetti 的动画...
npm install --save @types/canvas-confetti Summary This package contains type definitions for canvas-confetti ( Details Files were exported from ...
confetti({ ...defaults, particleCount: 5, flat: true }); confetti({ ...defaults, particleCount: 15, scalar: scalar / 2, shapes: ['circle'] }); } setTimeout(shoot, 0); setTimeout(shoot, 100);Custom Canvas Run But if you just hate confetti all over the place, there's somethi...
constMyPromise=require('some-promise-lib');constconfetti=require('canvas-confetti');confetti.Promise=MyPromise; If you callconfettimultiple times before it is done, it will return the same promise every time. Internally, the same canvas element will be reused, continuing the existing animation wit...
const MyPromise = require('some-promise-lib'); const confetti = require('canvas-confetti'); confetti.Promise = MyPromise; If you call confetti multiple times before it is done, it will return the same promise every time. Internally, the same canvas element will be reused, continuing the ex...
Canvas 实现 progress 效果 其他 本文介绍如何使用HTML5的Canvas特性实现一个进度条效果。通过创建一个圆形的绘制区域,并利用Canvas的API(如beginPath,arc,stroke,fill等)来控制进度条的绘制。同时,还演示了如何设置进度条的宽度和高度,以及如何在进度条中添加文本。最后,给出了一段测试代码,以展示该进度条的效果。
我试图使用 canvas-confetti 包在画布上实现五彩纸屑动画。但我不断收到以下错误 我的代码看起来像这样 import confetti from "canvas-confetti"; const canvas = document.querySelector(".confetti"); try { const myConfetti = confetti.create(canvas, { resize: true, useWorker: true, }); myConfetti({...
GitHub - catdad/canvas-confetti: 🎉 在浏览器中高性能的纸屑动画 如果您希望为您的网络项目增添节日气氛,GitHub上的"canvas-confetti"库可能正是您所需要的。该库允许您创建高性能的彩带动画,为您的网站或Web应用程序带来庆祝的氛围。该库的一个关键特点是其可定制性;您可以调整彩带的外观和行为,以完美契合您...
const MyPromise = require('some-promise-lib'); const confetti = require('canvas-confetti'); confetti.Promise = MyPromise; If you call confetti multiple times before it is done, it will return the same promise every time. Internally, the same canvas element will be reused, continuing the ex...