Canvas2Image.saveAsPNG(oCanvas);//这将会提示用户保存PNG图片Canvas2Image.saveAsJPEG(oCanvas);//这将会提示用户保存JPG图片Canvas2Image.saveAsBMP(oCanvas);//这将会提示用户保存BMP图片//返回一个包含PNG图片的<img>元素varoImgPNG = Canvas2Image.saveAsPNG(oCanvas,true);//返回一个包含JPG图片的<img>...
saveAsImage: saveAsImage, saveAsPNG:function(canvas, width, height) { returnsaveAsImage(canvas, width, height, 'png'); }, saveAsJPEG:function(canvas, width, height) { returnsaveAsImage(canvas, width, height, 'jpeg'); }, saveAsGIF:function(canvas, width, height) { returnsaveAsImage(c...
from libtiff import TIFFimage # 使用PIL包的Image打开图像 # convert('L')用于将原始RGB图像转为灰度图像 im ='tree.jpg...').convert('L').save('tree_0.png') # 使用matplotlib读取图像然后保存为numpy中的数组 colorimg = np.array(plt.imread('...tree.jpg')) shape = colorimg.s...
toDataURL("image/png"); $.ajax({ url: "", type: "post", data: { "nameImg": nameImg }, success: function (res) { if (res.status == 1) { window.location.href = "" } } }) } // 保存成jpg格式的图片 function saveAsJPG(canvas) { return canvas.toDataURL("image/jpeg"); } ...
SaveFlags 著色器 Shader.TileMode SumPathEffect SurfaceTexture SurfaceTexture.FrameAvailableEventArgs SurfaceTexture.IOnFrameAvailableListener SurfaceTexture.OutOfResourcesException SweepGradient Sync 字體 Typeface.Builder Typeface.CustomFallbackBuilder TypefaceStyle Xfermode YuvImage Android.Graphics.Drawables Android....
In this function, we'll parse the canvas to a data URL and set it as the imagesrc. When the user choosesSave asin the context menu, the browser will show a file dialog, allowing the user to save the canvas visual to his computer. ...
functionsaveFile(strData){ document.location.href=strData; } functiongenImage(strData){ varimg=document.createElement('img'); img.src=strData; returnimg; } functionfixType(type){ type=type.toLowerCase().replace(/jpg/i,'jpeg'); varr=type.match(/png|jpeg|bmp|gif/)[0]; ...
const handleSaveClick = () => { const { current: canvas } = canvasRef // 可存入数据库或是直接生成图片 console.log(canvas?.toDataURL()) } const handlePaperChange = (value: string) => { const fillImageList = { 'xueshengjia': '', ...
I tried various images and types (pngs, jpgs, tiff) since those are the ones I work with most and it still did it. I did a full uninstall/reinstall and it still did it. I reverted to version 22.4.3 and it's back to working as normal where changing the canvas size ...
Once you’re ready to save or display what you’ve drawn, the canvas can save it to a file, or hand it off to you as a data buffer or string to process manually. Image DimensionsRendering ContextsOutput width gpu ⚡ async ⚡ height pages ⚡ pdf, png, svg, jpg ⚡ getContext(...