用Student ID 或 UPI 登录学校账户 每年需要重置新密码 忘记密码可以 reset password 修改 信息变动将通过email验证身份 不要忽略学校邮箱中的信息哦 在奥大官网中进入【Students】页面 进入Student Services Online (以下简称 SSO) 进入【Personal Details】完善个...
有些课程的老师会针对作业写下feedback,点击已上传的作业可以看到老师的comments(如果老师有写)。 Marks 这里是专门的作业和测验的分数展示页面,在这里能看到一门课除final外的其它分数汇总, 方便大家查分。不过一般期末考和最后的总成绩不会在这里展示,而是会在学期结束后以email的形式通知大家,并且在sydney student里...
I use this app for my online college when I am on the go and it is great. Even though it is a mobile app I am able to do almost everything that I can do from my computer with it. Thank you for the great experience. My school is Independence University and their use of this app...
第一步:打开奥大官网,左上角可以看到一个粗体的 Students 标签,点开它,第一列第二个Student Services Online就是SSO的入口啦! 见上图红色标记 第二步:使用自己的邮箱和密码进行登陆。 忘记密码的同学们,可点击下面的 Reset password 修改哦! 第三步:登进去之后可以看到一个4*4的模块界面,如下图: SSO可以进...
Best Practices for Student Video Production Can I create peer review assignments so that my students can give each other feedback on their work? Can I divide my students into groups for assignments, discussions, etc.? Canvas Files Can I bulk upload files to my Canvas site? How?
In today's educational landscape, fostering authentic assessment is more crucial than ever. Join Patricia Luna of TAMU and Cole Groom of FeedbackFruits for an in-depth webinar exploring how it can transform your approach to student evaluations ...
Access your Canvas courses on the go and in the classroom with the Canvas Student mobile app! From any device, students can now: • View grades and course conte…
Give students instant feedback on their responses, and submit their grades to the Gradebook. Watch student-submitted videos and offer inline comments. Apply rubrics with SpeedGrader, and provide quick, personalized feedback on students' work. ...
It focused on Canvas which as an online learning platform that allowed teachers and students to share content and interact during a course, a web platform that allowed sharing information, viewed student submissions and provided feedback all in one frame. It covered information about the usefulness...
Email| Student I have been accepted!... I wanted to thank you so much for your guidance... that helped me gain confidence in my art and helped me develop the skills I needed... The future of learning is online Join a virtual class and get personalized guidance and feedback on your ...