Package Sidebar Install npm i canvas Repository Homepage Weekly Downloads 3,249,692 Version 3.1.0 License MIT Unpacked Size 408 kB Total Files 59 Issues 418 Pull Requests 36 Last publish 2 months ago Collaborators Try on RunKit ...
canvas@1.2.4 install: node-gyp rebuild npm ERR! Exit status 1 npm ERR! npm ERR! Failed at the canvas@1.2.4 install script 'node-gyp rebuild'. npm ERR! This is most likely a problem with the canvas package, npm ERR! not with npm itself. npm ERR! Tell the author that this fails ...
This is an npm packagecaptcha-canvashelps you to make custom captcha of all types. The package usescanvasto create captcha imagas. See installation section to know how to install. Install canvas before captcha-canvas installation. As canvas is the peer dependencies. ...
Describe the bug I have a component that uses the canvas html tag, and when I try to run tests on it I get the following error: Not implemented: HTMLCanvasElement.prototype.getContext (without installing the canvas npm package) and if i ...
Install and import the package: npm install --save wavesurfer.js importWaveSurferfrom'wavesurfer.js' Alternatively, insert a UMD script tag which exports the library as a globalWaveSurfervariable: <scriptsrc=""></script> ...
npm安装: npm install @antv/my-f2 --save 开发工具中安装: 打开NPM依赖管理--输入 @antv/my-f2 回车运行安装。 具体使用可安装完成 @antv/my-f2 后打开 node_modules 查看对应。 toTempFilePath导出图片空白 ●使用 image 看下图片是否可以正常显示,正常显示才可以导出图片。 <!-- 通过 img 标签引入图片,以便绘制到 canvas 中 --> <img src="html5rocks.png"alt=""width="300"height="90"> <!-- canvas --> <canvas width="300"height="90"></canvas> <script>function init() {varcanvas = document.querySelector('canv...
# Clone the code: $ git clone --recurse-submodules $ cd canvas # Download Skia binaries: # It will pull the binaries match the git hash in `./skia` submodule $ node scripts/release-skia-binary.mjs --download # Install NPM packages, build ...
package.json config:修改版本号 2年前 webpack.config.js 发布为npm包 3年前 webpack.config.min.js 发布为npm包 3年前 Loading... README MIT Leaflet-CanvasLabel npm下载 使用 语法 示例 效果图 LabelStyleOptions 思路来自于Leaflet.LabelTextCollision,非常好的思路,但是实现的太糟糕了。