如何通过AKI三方库实现ArkTS与C/C++之间的跨语言调用 Native工程中如何使用其他三方so库 Native侧如何使用hilog打印出日志信息 如何使用后缀为so.x.y类型的so库,例如libxxx.so.3.1、libxxx.so.3.1.0 napi_module结构体字段描述解析 Native侧如何获取可操作的文件目录 新建工程如何使用已有工程中的so库函数...
如何通过AKI三方库实现ArkTS与C/C++之间的跨语言调用 Native工程中如何使用其他三方so库 Native侧如何使用hilog打印出日志信息 如何使用后缀为so.x.y类型的so库,例如libxxx.so.3.1、libxxx.so.3.1.0 napi_module结构体字段描述解析 Native侧如何获取可操作的文件目录 新建工程如何使用已有工程中的so库函数...
In addition to all of the standard global composite operations defined by the Canvas specification, the 'saturate' operation is also available.CanvasRenderingContext2D#antialiascontext.antialias: 'default'|'none'|'gray'|'subpixel'Sets the anti-aliasing mode....
In addition to all of the standard global composite operations defined by the Canvas specification, the 'saturate' operation is also available.CanvasRenderingContext2D#antialiascontext.antialias: 'default'|'none'|'gray'|'subpixel'Sets the anti-aliasing mode....
(alpha); // sets alpha of the sub-path globalCompositeOperation(style); // sets a global composite operation setSmoothingQuality(quality); // low, medium, high isPointInPath(x, y); isPointInStroke(x, y); setTransform(transformMatrix|[a, b, c, d, e, f]); getTransform(); reset...
enabledInHierarchy 表示该组件是否被启用并且所在的节点也处于激活状态。 metadescription 类型Boolean 定义于cocos2d/core/components/CCComponent.js:188 示例 cc.log(comp.enabledInHierarchy); _isOnLoadCalled 返回一个值用来判断 onLoad 是否被调用过,不等于 0 时调用过,等于 0 时未调用。
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In this article A B C D In this article, learn about all the functions available in canvas apps. Formulas in canvas apps combine many elements. Listed below are: Functionstake parameters, perform an operation, and return a value. For example,Sqrt(25)returns5. Functions are modeled after Mic...
By default, canvases are created in the RGBA32 format, which corresponds to the native HTML Canvas behavior. Each pixel is 32 bits. The JavaScript APIs that involve pixel data (getImageData, putImageData) store the colors in the order {red, green, blue, alpha} without alpha pre-...
Blank –Returns a blank value that can be used to insert a NULL value in a data source.Boolean –Converts a text string, number, or untyped value to a Boolean value.CCalendar –Retrieves information about the calendar for the current locale....