How do I download the Canvas Student app on my iOS device? How do I log in to the Student app on my iOS device with a Canvas URL? How do I log in to the Student app on my iOS device with a QR code? How do I use the Student app on my iOS device? How do...
PropertyValue Description Version in which the canvas app is introduced. DisplayName Introduced Version IsValidForForm False IsValidForRead True LogicalName introducedversion RequiredLevel None Type String Format VersionNumber FormatName VersionNumber ImeMode Auto IsLocalizable False MaxLength 48Is...
NVIDIA RTX in Desktop Workstations NVIDIA RTX in Professional Laptops NVIDIA RTX-Powered AI Workstations Cloud and Data Center Overview Grace CPU DGX Platform EGX Platform IGX Platform HGX Platform NVIDIA MGX NVIDIA OVX DRIVE Sim Networking...
Robotics Simulation Vehicle Simulation Robotics and Edge Computing Overview Robotics Edge Computing Vision AI High-Performance Computing Overview HPC and AI Scientific Visualization Simulation and Modeling Quantum Computing Self-Driving Vehicles Overview In-Vehicle Computing Infrastructure Indust...
Closelog CloseSolution Chmura CloudBlobs CloudBusinessApplication CloudConfigurationFile CloudConsole CloudDatabase CloudDownload CloudError CloudFile CloudGroup CloudOK Pakiet CloudPackage CloudRefresh CloudRun ChmuraSerwer CloudService CloudServiceBus CloudStaging CloudStagingOK CloudStagingRefresh CloudStagingStoppe...
log(win.ctx === win.canvas.getContext("2d")) // true let {canvas, ctx} = win ctx.fillStyle = 'lightskyblue' ctx.fillRect(10, 10, canvas.width-20, canvas.height-20) If you create multiple pages in your canvas using newPage(), you can select which one is currently displayed by...
是否支持通过HDC命令安装.app文件 如何通过HDC命令清除应用数据 使用hdc install xxx.hap安装HAP,报“9568305: dependent module does not exist”的错误 如何导出应用崩溃日志 如何选择收集崩溃的方式,ErrorManager、FaultLog、HiAppEvent在监听crash上的差异 使用HiLog打印日志是否有长度限制 如何通过hdc命令获取...
Logging in to the Canvas Parent appon an iOS deviceoron an Android device For complete guides on logging in to Canvas, refer to the following: How do I log in to Canvas as a student? How do I log in to Canvas as an instructor?
Creates separate FLA files for each scene, because HTML5 Canvas document does not support multiple scenes. To convert an AS3 document to HTML5 Canvas document, do the following: Open the ActionScript 3 document in Animate. SelectCommands>Convert AS3 to HTML5 Canvas document. ...
Parameters in the success callback Parameter Type Description uri string Path of the generated image. Sample code this.message = "drawfillStyleforcreatePattern"; var test = this.$element("45Canvas"); var ctx = test.getContext("2d"); console.log("ctx.fillStyle 555 >> " + ctx.fillStyle);...