Canvas by Instructure is the world's #1 LMS Learning Management System for schools, colleges, and universities. Learn more about implementing the best LMS today.
What are the browser and computer requirements for Instructure products? How do I submit an online assignment? How do I reply to a discussion as a student? Browser and Mobile App Compatibility Desktop Browsers View full details Chrome 128 and 129 Firefox 130 and 131 Edge 126 and 127 Respondu...
Discover Canvas LMS for schools - an innovative and comprehensive Learning Management System by Instructure. Empower educators and students with powerful tools.
在Instructure Canvas 中管理 Microsoft Teams 集成之前,请务必在完成 Canvas 管理员设置之前,在 Microsoft Azure 租户中让机构的 Microsoft Office 365 管理员批准 Canvas 的Microsoft-Teams-Sync-for-CanvasAzure 应用。 登录到 Canvas。 在全局导航中选择“管理员”链接,然后选择你的帐户。
Canvas by Instructure is the world's #1 LMS Learning Management System for schools, colleges, and universities. Learn more about implementing the best LMS.
Canvas by Instructure is the world's #1 LMS Learning Management System for schools, colleges, and universities. Learn more about implementing the best LMS.
Canvas by Instructure is the world's #1 LMS Learning Management System for schools, colleges, and universities. Learn more about implementing the best LMS.
How do I create a Microsoft Office 365 collaboration as an instructor? How do I delete a collaboration as an instructor? Conferences 9 How do I use the Conferences Index Page? How do I create a conference in a course? How do I delete a conference? How do I edit or delete a confer...
For functionality either planned or currently in development, please see the Canvas Product Roadmap. For features only available in the beta environment, please see Beta Environment Feature Feedback.To get Canvas Release and Deploy Notes delivered directly to your inbox, click the Subscribe button ...
例如 ,如果您的 Canvas 實例是 ,則應該輸入完整的 URL。 選取[複製] 按鈕以 複製 JSON, (右側顯示兩個頁面的圖示) 。 這會用來在 Canvas 中產生金鑰。 以系統管理員身分登入您的 Canvas 實例,然後從頁面左側的功能表中選取 [開發人員密 鑰 ]。 從下拉式清單中,從頁面...