Troubleshooting Guides Top 5 Resources Where do I find my institution's URL to access Canvas? Logging into Canvas What are the browser and computer requirements for Instructure products? Pairing Codes - FAQ How do I submit an online assignment?Top View our top guides and resources Reference...
API authentication is done with OAuth2. If possible, using the HTTP Authorization header is recommended. Sending the access token in the query string or POST parameters is also supported. OAuth2 Token sent in header: curl-H"Authorization: Bearer <ACCESS-TOKEN>""
{"upload_url":"https://file-service.url/opaque","upload_params":{/* unspecified parameters; contents should be treated as opaque */},"progress":{/* amongst other tags, see the Progress API... */"url":"""workflow_state":"running"}} Step...
Once you open the raw .txt file, you will need to reference our schema documentation to add headers. This can be avoided by using the API to download the data into a data warehouse. Instructure also has built an open-source command line tool, capable of adding these headers in. Use the...
网址: 0. 克隆代码 代码语言:javascript 复制 cd/vargit clone 1. 安装依赖 代码语言:javascript 复制 cd canvas-rce-api npm install--production
A Docker image is available on Docker Hub atinstructure/canvas-rce-api:latestor Starlord The container will run the application behind Nginx with Passenger listening on port80. Please refer to the documentation for theinstructure/node-passen...
A Docker image is available on Docker Hub atinstructure/canvas-rce-api:latestor Starload The container will run the application behind Nginx with Passenger listening on port80. Please refer to the documentation for theinstructure/node-passe...
Canvas Student Guide Introduction Student Getting Started Resources How do I accept an email invitation to join a Canvas course? How do I sign up for a Canvas account with a join code or secret URL as a student? How do I generate a pairing code for an observer as a student?
passport.use(new CanvasStrategy({ clientID: CANVAS_CLIENT_ID, clientSecret: CANVAS_CLIENT_SECRET, callbackURL: "", providerURL: "", providerName: "canvas" }, function(accessToken, refreshToken, profile, done) {
API authentication is done with OAuth2. If possible, using the HTTP Authorization header is recommended. Sending the access token in the query string or POST parameters is also supported. OAuth2 Token sent in header: curl-H"Authorization: Bearer <ACCESS-TOKEN>""