How do I import a favorite quiz from Commons to Canvas as an instructor? How do I import a Commons favorite as a module item in Canvas as an instructor? How do I view updates to resources I previously imported from Commons? What information do I need to share a resource to Commons?
2024-06-01 Canvas Commons Discussion 0 Likes 0 Replies Canvas Free for Teacher Account Hi,I recently created a Free for Teacher account on Canvas. However, when I try to import resources from Canvas Commons, my course does not show up in the list and hence not letting me import any ...
Commons Allows user to import resources from Commons into a course. Course Pacing Allows user to create a course pace via Course Pacing. Course Settings Allows user to share course items directly with other users. Allows user to copy individual course items to another course. Allows user to vie...
\n \n current stock price: $3.15 +0.15\n \n \n\n\n\n"},{"_content":"var Demo1 = {\n init(){\n var canvas = document.querySelector('#tutorial');\n var ctx = canvas.getContext('2d');\n if(ctx){\n var ctx = canvas.getContext(\"2d\");\n\n ctx.fillStyle = \"rgb...
<br>import html2canvas from 'html2canvas';<br>export default function convert2canvas(selector) {<br> const shareContent = document.querySelector(selector);<br> const width = shareContent.offsetWidth;<br> const height = shareContent.offsetHeight;<br> const canvas = document.createElement('...
import_a_set_of_outcomes_6b782192: 匯入一組學習成果 import_anyway_8c996ef6: 仍要匯入 import_assessment_as_new_quizzes_help_icon_3e49480f: "將評估匯入為 New Quizzes 支援圖示" import_assessment_as_new_quizzes_help_modal_918a543d: 將評估匯入為新測驗支援模態 import_commons_favorites_e68...
if your destination course is set up with a private copyright, and you import a package that has a creative commons (CC) copyright, the copyright license in the destination course will change from Private to CC. Please review the course setting after any course import to make sure important ...
{ StickyPositionType } from '@fluentui/react/lib/Sticky'; import { IObjectWithKey } from '@fluentui/react/lib/Selection'; import { IRenderFunction } from '@fluentui/react/lib/Utilities'; import * as React from 'react'; type DataSet = ComponentFramework.PropertyHelper.DataSetApi.E...
import {Listener} from './listener' class Sprite{ constructor(context,x,y,imgUrl,speed){ this.x = x ; this.y = y ; this.imgUrl = imgUrl ; this.speed = speed||10 ; this.listeners = [] ; this.context = context ; this.drawImage() ; ...