canvas-editor-plugin The render layer by svg is under development, seefeature/svg The export pdf feature is available now, seefeature/pdf usage npm i @hufe921/canvas-editor --save <divclass="canvas-editor"></div> importEditorfrom'@hufe921/canvas-editor'newEditor(document.querySelector('.can...
canvas-editor-plugin example. Latest version: 0.0.1, last published: a year ago. Start using canvas-editor-plugin-example in your project by running `npm i canvas-editor-plugin-example`. There are no other projects in the npm registry using canvas-editor
barcode plugin for canvas-editor. Latest version: 0.0.1, last published: 2 years ago. Start using @hufe921/canvas-editor-plugin-barcode in your project by running `npm i @hufe921/canvas-editor-plugin-barcode`. There are no other projects in the npm regis
实际上对于Rspack而言其帮我们做了很多事,比如即使是node_modules的TS文件也会编译,而对于一些通过CRA创建的webpack项目来说,这个配置就麻烦一些,当然我们同样也可以借助customize-cra来完成这件事,此外我们还要关闭一些类似于ModuleScopePlugin的插件才可以,下面是富文本编辑器项目DocEditor的配置。 Copy constsrc=path.r...
canvas-editor-plugin The render layer by svg is under development, see feature/svg The export pdf feature is available now, see feature/pdf usage npm i @hufe921/canvas-editor --save <div class="canvas-editor"></div> import Editor from "@hufe921/canvas-editor" new Editor(document.querySel...
开源地址:。 在线DEMO:。 笔记# 因为我的主要目标是学习基本的Canvas知识和能力,所以很多功能模块都是采用简单的方式实现的,主打一个能用就行。而实际上做好图形编程是一件非常困难的事,如果要做一些复杂的能力我会更倾向...
a rich text editor by canvas/svg tips docs canvas-editor-plugin The render layer by svg is under development, see feature/svg The export pdf feature is available now, see feature/pdf usage npm i @hufe921/canvas-editor --save <div class="canvas-editor"></div> import Editor from '@hufe...
开源地址:。 在线DEMO:。 笔记 因为我的主要目标是学习基本的Canvas知识和能力,所以很多功能模块都是采用简单的方式实现的,主打一个能用就行。而实际上做好图形编程是一件非常困难的事,如果要做一些复杂的能力我会更倾向...
npm i @hufe921/canvas-editor --save <div class="canvas-editor"></div> import Editor from '@hufe921/canvas-editor' new Editor(document.querySelector('.canvas-editor'), { main: [ { value: 'Hello World' } ] }) next featurestable paging improve performance control rules CRDTsnapshot...
CanvasEditor │── packages │ ├── core │ ├── delta │ ├── plugin │ ├── react │ └── utils ├── package.json ├── pnpm-lock.yaml ├── pnpm-workspace.yaml └── tsconfig.json 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. ...