File Options Undo, Redo, Navigation Render button Feedback and Settings Toolbar Current/Recent Materials Tools Brush and Eraser Size Right Panel Material Palette Styles Layers Segmentation Map Output image Top Menu File Options Undo, Redo, Navigation ...
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生成的Base64(google) ...
Canvas CU Canvas Credit Union Designed for iPad 4.8 • 6.3K Ratings Free Screenshots iPad iPhone Description The Canvas app lets you bank on the go so you can stay focused on the moment. Easily check account balances, deposit checks, track spending, apply for loans, and so much more. Wit...
var getCuPoint=function(i){ return ctrlConfig.cuPoint[i]; } /**设置当前坐标点*/ var setCuPoint=function(p,i){ return ctrlConfig.cuPoint[i]=p; } /**设置当前临时坐标点值*/ var setCuPointXY=function(x,y,i){ if(isNull(ctrlConfig.cuPoint)){ ...
var getCuPoint=function(i){ return ctrlConfig.cuPoint[i]; } /**设置当前坐标点*/ var setCuPoint=function(p,i){ return ctrlConfig.cuPoint[i]=p; } /**设置当前临时坐标点值*/ var setCuPointXY=function(x,y,i){ if(isNull(ctrlConfig.cuPoint)){ ...
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Canvas进度环返回按钮实现方法: 确保引入了jquery,下面的代码加入到你的js文件中: var bigfa_scroll...
<button class="cu-btn bg-pink round lg" bindtap="shareShow">活动图片</button> <van-popup show="{{shareImageIsShow}}" custom-style="height: 525px;width:309px;background-color:transparent;" catchtouchmove='true' bind:close="shareClose" > <view> <canvas style="height:460px;width:100%...