cc.connect(window.get_ic().get_keyboard().sig_key_up(), clan::bind_member(this, &App::on_input_up)); cc.connect(window.sig_window_close(), clan::bind_member(this, &App::window_close));// Load the fontclan::Fontfont(canvas,"tahoma",32);// Create the initial texturestexture_bu... gulpfile.js karma.conf.js package.json test-coverage.svg Breadcrumbs canvas-gauges / Latest commit Mikhus Fixed problem with DomObserver export Mar 28, 2017 10d0343·Mar 28, 2017 History History File metadata and controls ...
"@leafer-in/editor@1.0.0-rc.19", "@leafer-in/editor@^1.0.0-rc.19": version "1.0.0-rc.19" resolved "" integrity sha512-BaKkOoLhie+4BO49OdhLJu2YHwhkjpZJuI+z7XeKQ5vDzCwxLVbej0VjAgl1L+J10Y4scCkUQh/...
改进 Elastic Stack 中的信息检索:提高搜索相关性的步骤
In my jQuery code below, I created a variable to take a reference of the current menu icon by using the code: $currIcon=$(this).find(“span.the-btn”)Then, I change all the icons back in the compressed state (the plus icon). Next, using toggle Class, switch plus/minus icons on ...
Logged out, back in. Deleted the app, reinstalled. Restarted my phone. To no avail, nothing is resolving the issue. Any suggestions, update or feedback would be greatly appreciated! By the way, my daughter’s school distract is in Las Vegas which would be CCSD - Clark County School ...
data->SetMaximum(max>0? max :std::max(maximum(data,log), maximum(Ztt,log))); data->Draw("e");if(log){ Ztt ->Draw("same"); ttbar->Draw("same"); EWK ->Draw("same"); Fakes->Draw("same");if(ggH) ggH ->Draw("histsame"); ...
"integrity": "sha512-YEtYZrw3GUK6emQHKthltKNZwszBcHK58Ygcis+gVUrF4/FmTVr5CCqQNSfmvg2y+YDEANyYoaLz/SHsnusCwQ==", "dev": true, "requires": { "@babel/helper-hoist-variables": "^7.0.0", "@babel/traverse": "^7.1.0", "@babel/types": "^7.0.0" } }, "@babel/helper-define-map...
{ Log.i("i的值", String.valueOf(i)); if (i == 4) { i = 0; } paint.setColor(color[i]); ++i; } break; case Mode = 1; eraserPaint.setAlpha(0); eraserPaint.setXfermode(new PorterDuffXfermode(PorterDuff.Mode.DST_IN)); //设置图像的混合模式 eraserPaint....
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