switch (value) { case 0: time = 0; break; case 1: time = 5; break; case 2: time = 10; break; case 3: time = 15; break; case 4: time = 20; break; case 5: time = 25; break; case 6: time = 30; break; case 7: time = 35; break; case 8: time = 40; break; } ...
context.font= "50px serif";varmetrics =context.measureText(message);vartextWidth =metrics.width;//canvas中间点varxPosition =(theCanvas.width - textWidth)/2;varyPosition = theCanvas.height/2;switch(fillOrStroke) {case"fill": context.fillStyle="#ff0000"; context.fillText(message, xPosition, y...
function toRotate() { switch(iNow) { case 1: oC.width = oImg.height; oC.height = oImg.width; cxt.rotate(90*Math.PI/180); cxt.drawImage(oImg,0,-oImg.height); break; case 2: oC.width = oImg.width; oC.height = oImg.height; cxt.rotate(180*Math.PI/180); cxt.drawImage(oImg...
switch (item.getItemId()) { // 设置id为menu_exit的菜单子项所要运行的方法。 case R.id.menu1_sub1: drawView.paint.setStrokeWidth(1); break; case R.id.menu1_sub2: drawView.paint.setStrokeWidth(5); break; case R.id.menu1_sub3: drawView.paint.setStrokeWidth(10); break; case R.i...
; function touch(event){ event.preventDefault(); switch(event.type){ case 'touchstart': x1 = event.touches[0].clientX-scrub.offsetLeft; y1 = event.touches[0].clientY-scrub.offsetTop; ctx.moveTo(x1,y1); break; case 'touchmove': x2 =...
constctx=canvas.getContext('2d');...// 1. 遍历包围盒的每个像素for(leti=Math.round(minX);i<maxX;i++){for(letj=Math.round(minY);j<maxY;j++){...// 2. 判断像素是否在三角形内if((count=getInner(point1,point2,point3,pixel))!==0){...// 3. 创建颜色switch(type){case1:data[...
这时候有个bug,当移动的时候发射子弹会发现移动停止了。 五 修复bug 为修复这个问题,修改一下移动的方式,只有当左右箭头keyup事件触发时,才停止移动。 window.addEventListener("keydown",e=>{switch(e.code){case"ArrowRight":this.spaceshipMove=this.SPACESHIP_MOVESTEP;break;case"ArrowLeft":this.spaceshipMove...
exactin– Checks if a text string is contained within another text string or table, case dependent. Also used to check if a record is in a table. Exit– Exits the currently running app and optionally signs out the current user. Exp– Returnseraised to a power. ...
How is it that guests can open the app shared with them, but no data connections are created? As is the case with nonguests, the underlying data sources accessed by the app must also be made accessible to the guest. What license must be assigned to my guest so they can run an app ...
switch (msg.what) { case NEED_INVALIDATE: //重新获取时间 mcalendar=Calendar.getInstance(); //重新绘制界面 invalidate();//告诉UI主线程重新绘制 //再次发送消息,递归调用,再次监测秒针 mhandler.sendEmptyMessageDelayed(NEED_INVALIDATE, 1000);