function canvasSupport (){ return !!document.createElement('canvas').getContext; } function canvasApp(){ if (!canvasSupport){ return; } } 作者最喜欢的方法是使用modernizr.js库Modernizr是一个易用并且轻量级的库,可以检测各种Web技术的支持情况。Modernizr创建了一组静态的布尔值,可以检测是否支持Canvas。
function canvasSupport () { return !!document.createElement('testcanvas').getContext; } function canvasApp() { if (!canvasSupport) { return; } } Our favorite method is to use the modernizr.js library, which you can find here: Modernizr—an easy-to-use, ligh...
The If function should look very familiar from Excel:If( Value(Label1.Text) < 0, Color.Red, Color.Black )Change a color based on user inputYou can configure your app with formulas so that users can change your app's appearance or behavior. For example, you can create a filter to ...
The If function should look familiar from Excel:If( Value(Label1.Text) < 0, Red, Black )You can use formulas for a wide variety of scenarios:By using your device's GPS, a map control can display your current location with a formula that uses Location.Latitude and Location.Longitude. As...
最近有碰到一个Canvas App中点击按钮执行的代码操作Microsoft Dataverse碰到错误:Network Error when using Patch function: The requested operation is invalid。 如何解决这类问题呢,我结合解决这个问题的方法总结了一下。 我假设这个问题是可以重现的,让用户Monitor一下,关于montior的介绍请参考如下官方文档: ...
success: function (res) { wx.createSelectorQuery().select("#content4").boundingClientRect(function (rect) { var width = rect.width // 节点的宽度 节点高度 为 rect.height page.setData({ windowWidth: res.windowWidth, windowHeight: * 1 , ...
边框S.startStroke()//触及边缘停止if(S.X>=casWidth-50){clearInterval(stopFlag)}},10)// 清空画布 {注释如上代码}functionclearCanvas(O,startX,startY,W,H){O.clearRect(startX,startY,W,H)} 运行效果 绘制不规则图形 Demo-2moveTo、lineTo...
getText(); ArrayList<float[]> xylist = generateXY(function);//根据表达式生成许多x、y点坐标 if(xylist == null){ return; } bottomdl_tfd.addDrawTask(new Component.DrawTask() { @Override public void onDraw(Component component, Canvas canvas) { if(isgeneratexy) { for (float[] xyfloats ...
function generatePoints(startP, endP, stepSize = 30, ctx, aniOffset = 0.5, img) { let radA = Math.atan((endP[1] - startP[1]) / (endP[0] - startP[0])); if ((endP[0] - startP[0]) < 0) { radA += Math.PI; } const dist = calcDist(startP, endP); let points = [...
token }, method: 'POST', header: { 'content-type': 'application/json' }, success: function (res) { if ( === 0) { if ( == null) { wx.request({ url: app.globalData.urlHeader + '/login/addcamera', data: { openid: app.globalData.openid, ...