用Student ID 或 UPI 登录学校账户 每年需要重置新密码 忘记密码可以 reset password 修改 信息变动将通过email验证身份 不要忽略学校邮箱中的信息哦 在奥大官网中进入【Students】页面 进入Student Services Online (以下简称 SSO) 进入【Personal Details】完善个...
第一步:打开奥大官网,左上角可以看到一个粗体的 Students 标签,点开它,第一列第二个Student Services Online就是SSO的入口啦! 见上图红色标记 第二步:使用自己的邮箱和密码进行登陆。 忘记密码的同学们,可点击下面的 Reset password 修改哦! 第三步:登进去之后可以看到一个4*4的模块界面,如下图: SSO可以进...
This can be a role created with the Add Role API or a built_in role type of ‘StudentEnrollment’, ‘TeacherEnrollment’, ‘TaEnrollment’, ‘ObserverEnrollment’, or ‘DesignerEnrollment’. enrollment_state string When set, only return courses where the user has an enrollment with the given...
.vscode add community jwt Jul 6, 2023 accounts Add nickname to student object (#386) Oct 24, 2023 analytics remove unused stuff Oct 10, 2022 api Add Variation Type Field to Questions (#396) Feb 23, 2024 canvas Add nickname to student object (#386) Oct 24, 2023 canvas_gamification add...
Login with your username'jdoe'(without @my.smccd.edu) andmySMCCD Portal Password. If you are a new student and have not setup mySMCCD Portal Password, visitFirst time login tutorial page. If you are having trouble with logging in, visitmySMCCD Login Support pagefor more support contact inf...
In the test environment, you can test using your real data without messing up your live production environment. Here you can add users, test course content, and/or troubleshoot issues without ruining the experience for your users. The test environment inherits new and updated features added to ...
The Canvas student app is really responsive and high functioning, almost easier to use sometimes than the actual desktop site. It makes doing school work while on the go a total breeze. HOWEVER, I knocked a star off because there is just one MAJOR issue that I hope they can fix in a ...
// It's not as simple as looking at refProject.name; since we add this listener via the // student project, refProject.name will always be "student". Glean our actual project name // via the bitrise app name. def projectName = "" if(bitriseApp.contains("Student")) { projectName ...
trace,follow- follow, discover, or ascertain the course of development of something; "We must follow closely the economic development is Cuba" ; "trace the student's progress" investigate,look into- investigate scientifically; "Let's investigate the syntax of Chinese" ...
We are using the following code to hide the anonymous discussion options at this time. We will re-evaluate making this available in the future, but are not ready to support this functionality at this time since the identity of the student is also hi... ...