Canva 的顏色選擇工具裡面還有一個比較特殊的工具,只要點擊文件顏色左上角的彩色方塊,可以打開HEX顏色選擇器,它裡面會有一個漸變色的圖框讓你挑選顏色,下方的彩色控制滑塊能改變漸變色圖框的色調,最底下的輸入框則可以直接填入你想用的「HEX 色碼」。 2. 顏色提取器 (Color Picker) 在HEX 顏色選擇器的右下角有一...
This app lets you type in any text you like, and change the font style, size, alignment, and more. It even lets you change the color with a clever color picker to match text to an existing color in the image, or specify your brand color by hex number. You can rotate the text, an...
Millions of colors.With the Canva color palette generator, you can choose from millions of different colors to create a custom color palette for your next project. The Canva color palette generator also includes a color picker so you can choose the exact colors you want for your project. It’...
To do this, click on your first swatch to select it, then click theColor Pickerbuttonat the top of the screen. Then, click theAdd A New Color buttonin the Side Panel. After clicking the Add A New Color button, you can access theEyedropper Tool. Click on the Eyedropper Tool, then c...
Branded Colorsopens a color picker. Use the picker or enter the hex code for your colors. Add as many colors as you want and give the palette a name. You can also edit or delete the colors or palette. It also has a tool to add and discover color palettes. Search by name, select ...
green is associated with nature, orange indicates activity while purple is related to individuality. You need to decide which color suits your design project. Canva offers you color combination tools that allow you to mix and match two or more colors. Choose the color from the color picker ...
showColorPicker('bgColor')" class="px-2 py-2 rounded my-1 bg-[#8080805c]" > <IoSharpColorPalette class="text-[20px] fill-w" /> </template> 19 changes: 2 additions & 17 deletions 19 src/components/views/TextTools.vue Original file line numberDiff line numberDiff line cha...