When most people say “Chinese,” they are likely thinking of Mandarin. Mandarin is the official language of China, Taiwan and Singapore. It also is one of the six official languages of the United Nations. To be precise, however, the termChineseactually refers to a group of languages that ...
Mandarin vs. Cantonese: Two Different Languages If you're interested in learning Chinese, you may have heard of Mandarin and Cantonese. These two languages are both spoken in China, but they have significant differences in terms of pronunciation, grammar
So it seems as though Mandarin is more practical than Cantonese. That’s not to say that learning Cantonese is a waste of time, and for some people, it may be the better choice, but for most people wanting to speak "Chinese", Mandarin is the way to go....
Learn How to Say “Have A Nice Weekend” in Japanese as well as Mandarin and Japanese June 16, 2012 Cantonese For Missionaries: Lesson One With the help of ChineseBay.com’s Cantonese Pronunciation Dictionary, we can start some easy lessons for missionary. Lesson One: 1. 神是愛 (God is ...
Yesterday, I just found a very good website to learn Chinese with Pinyin or Jyutping caption. You may find a good example here: October 21, 2023 Not Sleep Well: Mandarin vs Cantonese 睡得不好 vs 瞓得唔好 In Mandarin, we say 睡得不好 vs in Cantonese, we say 瞓得唔好 (didn’t ...
Here’s the short answer: Mandarin is a form of the Chinese language. Some call it a dialect. Chinese is an umbrella language term that encompasses multiple dialects/languages, including Mandarin, Cantonese, Hakka, and more. When you look at it closely, there are actually over 200 dialects ...
在海外大都认为它是一种语言,甚至一提起中文就是,Mandarin or Cantonese?好像中文有两种,只是因为早期出国的华人基本都以广东和潮汕地区为主,广东话成了他们互相身份认同的重要工具。但从语言学上来说,如果广东话能跟普通话并列的话,那客家话,潮汕话,吴,越,湘,赣的方言都可以说自己是独立的语言。如果还承认自己...
The Easiest Way to Say Hello in Chinese Ni hao(pronounced "nee haow") is the basic, default greeting in Mandarin Chinese. It is written as 你好 (nǐ hǎo).Ni hao's meaning is, literally, "you OK/good." Although both words in Pinyin are marked as third tone (nǐ hǎo), the pronun...
Master a Chinese languagewith the help of New Concept Mandarin’s “Flipped-Learning” approach, whichmaximises your learning outside the classroomwith supplementary learning materials. This reinforces what you’re taught in your one-on-one or small group lessons. ...
Chinese is the oldest written language in the world! Discover the Chinese language history & its development into modern Mandarin Chinese.