Your Family Wellness Center for Asthma, Allergy, and Frequent Infections. Having the privilege of providing health care to patients of all ages in Metropolitan Detroit since 1978! Our Focus Allergy and breathing problems can seriously impact your life. A fellowship trained, board-certified specialist...
The Pioneer clinicians and many of our clerical staff became some of the first volunteers to cover Faithful Servants Care Center, a 7 day a week free clinic. Heading from our day services at our private offices over to the clinic located in Tallmadge Ohio – our clinicians see patients each...
- Bill M., Ann Arbor, MI Why Choose Us? Choosing a hearing professional is one of the most important decisions you’ll ever make. The personal relationships you will develop with the staff at Ascent Audiology & Hearing or Northville Hearing Aid Center will continue long after your initial ap...
During the lockdown in Switzerland, healthcare institutions had to delay all non-urgent procedures and elderly people were advised to stay home [5], possibly being the main cause for the observed decrease in cancer diagnoses during April and May, 2020. Additional reasons for the above-mentioned...