Cantilever Beam - Uniform Load Calculator A generic calculator - use metric values based on m or mm, or imperial values based on inches. Default typical values are in metric mm. q - Uniform load (N/m, N/mm, lb/in) L - Length of beam (m, mm, in) I - Moment of Inertia (m4, ...
This free online calculator is developed to provide a software tool for calculation ofBending MomentandShear Forceat any section of cantilever beam subjected to point load, uniformly distributed load and varying load. You can copy and paste the results from these calculators in the document file. ...
Tuesday, February 18th, 2025 CE Calculators> Slope & Deflection for Cantilever Calculator for Slope and Deflection of Cantilever This free online calculator is developed to calculate the slope anddeflectionat any point of the cantilever beam carrying point load, moment, uniformly distributed load(UDL)...
设备需装有 visionOS 1.0 或更高版本。 语言 英语 年龄分级 4+ Copyright © @2020 Rabih Elias 价格 ¥98.00 开发人员网站 App 支持 隐私政策 支持 家人共享 启用“家人共享”,即可让最多 6 个家庭成员使用此 App。 Column Construction Calculator...
Maximum Moment at the fixed end can be expressed as MA= - q L2/ 2 (3b) Maximum Deflection at the end can be expressed as δB= q L4/ (8 E I) (3c) where δB= maximum deflection in B (m, mm, in) Cantilever Beam - Uniform Load Calculator ...
The resulting vibration model now enables calculating the amplitude and phase of deflection, slope, bending moment (and thus also of mechanical stress/strain), as well as shear force at arbitrary frequencies ω. The used material parameters of the beam are listed in Table 2. The boundary ...