地址 North Holmes Road, Canterbury, Kent, CT1 1QU 地区 South and South East England 电话 +44 1227 767700 网站 www.canterbury.ac.uk 电子邮件 improve.your.english@canterbury.ac.uk Twitter @cccu_languages 提供的住宿类型 不提供 寄宿当地 校园和/或宿舍 酒店或旅馆 地点类型 市/镇 郊区 海滨城镇 ...
The Canterbury region, which includes the city of Ōtautahi Christchurch, covers a large swath of the central South Island, from the Pacific Coast to the Southern Alps. Here, you’ll find the country’s largest expanse of plains and some of its most rugged mountains, along with spectacular...
Christchurch & Canterbury and beyond BeyondChristchurch & Canterbury Christchurch SUBSCRIBE Subscribe to Lonely Planet newsletters and promotions.Read ourPrivacy Policy.
坎特伯雷大学是一所具有悠久历史的英国公立大学,地处英国东南部素有英格兰花园之称的肯特郡-坎特伯雷市的中心地带。大学现代化设施齐备,具有良好的学习气氛和卓著的学术水平。世界著名文化遗产有着近1500年历史的坎特伯雷大教堂就坐落于此,大学因此而得名。 坎特伯雷大学共有人文、教育、商业、理学、健康五大学科,提供了英...
Christchurch International Airport receives flights from Australia, Singapore and Japan, as well as a large number of domestic locations.
Canterbury Christ Church University坎特伯里基督教堂大学,成立于1962年,是是一所优秀的英国高等学府,位于历史文化名城坎特伯里市中心。坎特伯里位于英格兰东南部,是英国圣公会大主教驻地。 坎特伯里基督教堂大学提供本科和硕士教育,其专业包括健康教育学,商务管理学,艺术和行为学。 Canterbury Christ Church University 是...
Visit the Canterbury Museum Pop-Up at 66 Gloucester Street for collection highlights and temporary exhibitions while our main building is redeveloped.
The library is an essential part of an information centre of a wider area of the Christchurch and Canterbury region and as such does not serve the students' needs alone but follows globalisation trends in the field of acquisition, accessibility and information exchange....
Spitroast.com is the original New Zealand spit roast company. Catering at parties, functions, weddings and corporate events in Christchurch & Canterbury for more than 20 years.