佳能Canon PIXMA TS5350 多功能一体 打印机驱动 下载 版本:v.1.06 发布日期:2025年01月8日 适用于:Windows 7 / Windows 10 / Windows 11 系统。
I have just purchased a PIXMA TS5350i printer. I can't seem to get it connected to my laptop. I have been able to connect it to my smart phone (iPhone) though. Every time i try to connect to my laptop, i keep getting the same error message - "This printer cannot...
Discover our Canon PIXMA TS5350 Series. Unleash your creativity with easy connectivity, simplified OLED display, LED status bar and first-class FINE cartridges.
559元(需用券)569元 值友1247445436 更新时间:2022-04-07 16:02 提示: 此爆料发布时间较久,价格可能已过期,已为您查找商品最新信息 或选择 继续查看 优惠爆料原文 优惠爆料原文 购买渠道 京东 商品优惠 满99减10 去购买 爆料原文: 此款目前京东售价为569元,领取满99-10优惠券后每件仅售559元,近日好价,需...
好价失效 请选择举报理由: 确认提交 内容问题 请选择举报理由: 确认提交 商品问题 请选择举报理由: 确认提交 侵权举报 请选择举报理由: 确认提交 其他 本文收录在 打印机 Canon/佳能 打印机优惠好货 爆料是一件简单又好玩的事,动动手指就能把你认可的好价商品分享给千万值友,还能获得大量金币奖励,兑换礼品卡和值...
565 300|Revitalize your printing with the 560XL 561XL Canon PG-560 CL-561 XL Smart Ink Cartridge Refill Kit. This kit is designed for Canon Pixma TS5350, TS7450, TS5351, TS5352, TS5353, and TS7451 printers, ensuring a perfect fit and seamless installatio
560XL 561XL PG560 CL561 for Canon PG-560 CL-561 XL mart Ink Cartridges Refill Kit for Canon Pixma TS5350 TS7450 TS5351 TS5352USD 8.99-15.59/set Vilaxh Pg 560 Cl 560 PG-560 CL-561 Smart Cartridge for Canon Ts7450 Ts7451 Ts 7450 Ts5350 Ts5351 Ts5352USD 8.99-15.59/set Vilaxh PG26...
Compatibility:Designed for Canon TS7450, TS5350, and TS5351 series printers for seamless integration. Comprehensive Kit:Includes 4 full ink cartridges and tools for a complete refill solution. Easy Installation:The smart cartridge design allows for a hassle-free installation process. Full Cartridge Sta...
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Craft. Create. Curate – Our call to action for crafty Gen Z’ers with a passion for print who want to express themselves creatively using the new TS5350 Series printer and the range of PIXMA media. Having previously used their family printer, our task was to engage with the first time ...