1、在51驱动网下载‘佳能PIXMA TR4722’一体机驱动程序,解压后,双击运行‘md__-win-e4500_tr4600_tr4700-1_03-ea34_2.exe’安装文件 2、进入欢迎界面,点击下一步 3、选择居住地,点击下一步 4、阅读并接受许可协议,点击是 5、连接一体机,根据提示,等待程序安装完成就可以 功能特点 简单的初始设置,通过佳能...
佳能打印机万能驱动 For Win7/Win8/WinXP/Win2003(2014年10月25日发布) 驱动大小:445M 下载量:1W+ 适用系统:WinXP-x32/WinXP-x64/Win2003-x32/Win2003-x64/Win7-x32/Win7-x64/Win8-x32/Win8-x64 下载 佳能Canon打印机型号列表 BJ Bjc4200 BJC-5000 BJC-85 BJC-250 BJC-255SP BJC-265SP ...
Product Name: Remanufactured PG275 CL276 Ink Cartridge Compatible Brand: Canon Model: PG275 CL276 Color: Black & Tri-color (C,M,Y) Type: Larger capacity Feature: Easy to add ink Compatible Printer Models: For Canon Pixma TS3520, TS3522, TS3500, TR4720, TR4722, TR4700 With Chip: Yes...
Trying to get tr4722 installed. Been dealing with it for hours. Tried getting hold of canon, endless road blocks or pay $. Just read your reviews. Obviously your printers suck, you know it and have no intention of fixing it. But you will help if we pay you! Great American business mo...