Adj.1.canonist- pertaining to or characteristic of a body of rules and principles accepted as axiomatic; e.g. "canonist communism" Based on WordNet 3.0, Farlex clipart collection. © 2003-2012 Princeton University, Farlex Inc. Want to thank TFD for its existence?Tell a friend about us,...
In the Roman Catholic Church, for example, rules approved by the pope are considered canon. The body of all the religious laws is also called a canon. Example: The official canon of this writer has 30 works, but some people believe that she wrote over 100 in her lifetime. Where does ...
Canons Regular of the Order of the Holy Cross, Crosier Fathers Canons Regular Premonstratensian Canonship canoodle canoodled canoodler canoodles canoodling Canope CANopen CANopen CANopen Roller Control Module CanOpenER ▼Complete English Grammar Rules is now available in paperback and eBook formats. ...
First Thessalonians apparently enjoys the distinction of being the first of Paul’s letters to become part of the Bible canon. [si p. 227 par. 帖撒罗尼迦前书看来是保罗的书信中最先成为圣经正典的一本。[《 jw2019 Marriages entered into in accordance with the canons or rules of any religio...
The immigrant’s code of conduct breached the country’s canons of plenary power and immigration laws. How many canons are in the Old Testament? She had her ’80s trivia down cold, not just the canon stuff. The lawyers argued the rules outlined in the Code of Canon Law. ...
Magic has infinite manifestations, sources, and rules, none of which universally apply. Except one. Everything has a cost. Nothing is free. Humanity is ascending, perhaps all the way to godhood. What price will be asked of us for this? What will happen when we can't afford to pay it...
GregorytheGreat’sRegulapastoralis(Pastoral Rule)was actually atreatiseonthe“shepherds”:abookof pastoralrules.³⁰It waswrittenfor all thosewhohavebeeninvestedwiththecareof souls(thecuraanimarum), calledrectors.It wasnotthefirstworkof thiskind(onerecallssimilar textsby GregoryNazianzius[thes.c.Apo...
Rules of legal ethics are, broadly speaking, of two kinds. Rules of the first kind relate to the integrity of the system of administering justice and are designed to insure that the system will function effectively and fairly. Those rules include such matters as full access to the legal ...
What do we mean by a ‘canon’? The notion of the canon has origins in Catholic religious doctrine. It comes to history education by way of debates over literature, as a critique of the notion of a universally valid — but overwhelmingly white and male..
CEPConseil de l'Ethique Publicitaire(French: Advertising Ethics Council) CEPCercle des Étudiants en Philosophie(French: Undergraduate Philosophy Circle; Belgium) CEPContainment Evaluation Panel CEPClimatisation Électricité Plomberie(French air conditioning, electrical and plumbing company) ...