Print Studio Pro调整边距以有边距布局打印或打印索引时,可以调整边距。根据布局,可以为边距调整的项目有所不同。有边距(x1) 有边距(x1)以外的布局(1) 边距(上、下、左、右) (2) 图像尺寸(高度和宽度) (3) 单元格间距(垂直和水平) (4) 单元格大小(高度和宽度)...
Manual ±3 stops in 1/3- or 1/2-stop increments AEB ±3 stops in 1/3- or 1/2-stop increments AE Lock Auto AE lock The metering mode for AE lock after focus can be customized. User-applied AE lock In the Fv, P, Tv, Av and M modes, enabled with the AE lock button. (Pr...
2.7 x 1.5 cm at 1000 mm **1 When using macro, the minimum shooting distance and the shooting distance at time of closest proximity will differ. Please see the manual for details. Scene Object Dimensions at MOD with Extender 157.3 x 88.5cm[16.4mm]**1 [8.2mm] (with 2x Extender) 1.4...
PRO-300 Setup 1 Prepare 2 Connect 2 Connecting to a Computer You must set up your printer to work with this computer (macOS). Download and run the software to start setup on your computer Download Follow the instructions Want to connect to your smartphone instead? Setup Without Using the...
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“部昌 记忆 卡内 存储 了大量的图像〈约 1000 幅 ) ,可能无法 进行 打 取消 打印 * 要在 打印 图像中途 取消 打印 ,请按下 SET 键。确认对话框会出 地。选择 [ 确定 ],然后按下 SET 键。打印机会 停止 打印 当前 的 图像,然后 退出 纸张 。 打印 错误 * 如果 在扣印过程中由于某些 原因 败现...
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Canon 影视摄影系统产品介绍说明书
Canon佳能G7080ser_OnlineManual_Mac使用说明书.pdf,G7080 series 在线手册 中文(简体) (Chinese (Simplified)) 目录 使用在线手册. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11 该文档中使用...
Canon WorkForce Pro WF-M5799DWF数据手册说明书 WorkForce Pro WF-M5799DWF DATASHEET / BROCHURE Reduce your business printing costs and environmental impact with this robust mono MFP, and increase productivity with less intervention.Take advantage of low power consumption, a low Total Cost of Ownership...